Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Forexgridmaster V5

Automatisierte MT4 EA Grid Trading Robot. Die Rolls-Royce von Forex Trading für High Profit Strategies. ForexGridMaster ist ein revolutionärer benutzerfreundlicher MetaTrader 4 MT4 Expert Advisor Automated Forex Trading Roboter entwickelt seit 2005 von James King Foto oben rechts, ein Kanadier, der gehandelt hat Forex professionell Vollzeit seit 2002 Mit ForexGridMaster FGM ohne Programmierkenntnisse können Sie erstellen und handeln Sie Ihre eigene unbegrenzte Anzahl von transparenten automatisierten MT4 Forex Trading-Strategien, die weit von einfach bis sehr anspruchsvoll in der Natur ForexGridMaster ist auch ein hervorragendes Werkzeug, um deutlich zu verbessern Handbuch Handel, vor allem für Stealth-Modus Scalping und News-Events Strategien FGM Besitzer Full oder Trial-Version können in unserem Forum teilnehmen, um Strategien und Ideen zu teilen. Watch FGM Express in Aktion auf unserem ForexGridMaster YouTube Channel mit Erläuterung und Performance-Ergebnisse Seien Sie sicher, höchste Qualität zu wählen Einstellung für Klarheit. Wenn Sie nicht ein erfahrener Trader sind, aber gut auf grundlegende Computerkenntnisse und nach schriftlichen Anweisungen sind, dann kann FGM auch für Sie arbeiten, da FGM-Strategien als Preset-Dateien gespeichert werden, die leicht geteilt und in FGM. ForexGridMaster Automated gesteckt werden Grid Trading Plätze kaufen und oder verkaufen Handelsaufträge auf der Vorderseite Forex Metatrader 4 MT4 Handelsplattform nach einem vorgegebenen Plan zu erfassen Gewinn aus der konstanten up-und down-Preis-Aktion, die passiert, unabhängig von der Markt-Trending, Range und oder brechen Out Preis nach oben und unten ist einfach und zutiefst die grundlegendste, offensichtliche und zuverlässige Veranstaltung im Devisenhandel Automated Grid-Trading ist bei weitem die beste Methode, um voll nutzen, was ist, was ForexGridMaster wurde speziell entworfen, um FGM zu tun ist nicht Beschränkt auf den Gitterhandel, wie es sich in den letzten 7 Jahren stark entwickelt hat. Es kann viel mehr tun. Geben Sie eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Strategien, keine Programmierung notwendig. ForexGridMaster Grid-Trading-Strategien können erstellt und weiter optimiert werden, um alle zu handeln Forex-Markt-Bedingungen, entweder vollständig Hände weg während aller offenen Forex-Marktstunden, 24 5, oder für bestimmte Zeiträume und oder Marktbedingungen, oder für semi-manuelle Handel, vor allem Stealth-Modus Scalping ForexGridMaster s Industrial Strength Code kann Platz und Ausgang weit mehr Trades weit schneller und weitaus genauer als sogar ein großes professionelles Team von manuellen Händler und mit perfekten Disziplin. ForexGridMaster wichtigsten Features sind. Create eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von automatisierten Trading-Strategien. No Programmierung notwendig, sehen FGM Advanced Manual hier. Share Strategie-Entwicklung, Preset-Dateien und Ideen auf unserem FGM forum. FGM Advanced Trades 2 Raster, ein MainGrid und oder HedgeGrid oder zweite Grid. Money Management Eingang Einstellungen zusammengesetzte Gewinne und verringern Verluste. Erstellen Sie Trend, Reichweite, Breakout, kurz oder langfristig und oder Portfolio Strategies. Spike Protection mit den Einstellungen MaxOrderPeriod und MaxOrderFrequenc. ChartEquity Eingabe sub-dividiert Eigenkapital für Portfolio Trading und Margin Protection. Normalization, integriert Account-Währung und Conversion-Paar Berechnungen. FGM ist ein außergewöhnliches Werkzeug für den Handel präzise Stealth-Modus Scalping Strategien. Create Martingale oder Anti-Martingale Typ Strategien mit einzigartigen Modifikationen. Capture 3000 Pips Gewinn pro Tag Handel Kauft und verkauft auf einem Währungspaar. Create Strategien, um Wirtschaftsnachrichten Veranstaltungen und oder bestimmte Zeiträume. Works für alle 2, 3, 4 oder 5-stellig zu handeln ECN, STP, Standard oder Classic MT4 Konten. Works für alle Account-Währungen, USD, Euros, Pfund, Yen, CHF, CAD, etc. FGM können auch Gold, Silber, Öl, Indizes und mehr auf der MT4-Plattform handeln Entwicklung seit 2005, sind wir kontinuierlich neue Einstellungen für FGM. Back-Test ForexGridMaster Strategien zu sehen und genau zu wissen, wie sie arbeiten. Nicht ein Black Box Roboter mit einer proprietären unveränderlichen Strategie, seine Logik und echtes Risiko unbekannt Trader und nicht genug Optionen Um das Risiko zu kontrollieren. Not ein Roboter abhängig von jemand anderem für die periodische Optimierung von Einstellungen, die möglicherweise funktionieren oder auch nicht, können auch Trader mehr Risiko als versprochen. NOT ein Roboter abhängig von Abonnement Gebühren, die Trader kontinuierlich zahlt zu verwenden. Nicht ein Roboter Dass Trader aufgibt, weil es unrentabel wird Es gibt keinen Mangel an Optionen, um Strategieeinstellungen, Risiko und Geldmanagement anzupassen. Kein Roboter, der mit viel Hype auf den Markt gedrückt wird, basiert auf leeren Versprechungen oder unzuverlässigen Rücktests oder gefälschten oder unbewiesenen oder Kirsche gepflückt Leistung Ergebnisse, oder zeigt die eine Rechnung, die aus der 50, die fehlgeschlagen profitiert. Reliable Black Box Handel Roboter sind sehr selten Ich James King haben Forex Vollzeit seit 2002 und testen eine große viele sorgfältig ausgewählte Trading Roboter Wir sind Auch mit vielen erfahrenen Langzeit-Händlern vernetzt, alle von uns insgesamt Tests 1000s von Robotern Es gibt ein paar Roboter, die vielversprechend und sehenswert sind, wie sie sich entwickeln und wir arbeiten mit einigen der echt aufrichtigen Roboter-Entwickler Fühlen Sie sich frei zu erkundigen, wie wir Sind bereit zu beraten. Käufe FGM Advanced oder Express und erhalten. Permanent Lizenz, 3 Echtgeld Konten, 5 Demos, alle MT4 Broker. FGM Back-Test-Handbuch Erstellen und Back-Test unbegrenzte Strategien. FGM Latenz Info-Guide für VPSs und Strategien erfordern Niedrige Latenz. Full Unterstützung von einem erfahrenen MT4 Pro Trader, Partner und Staff. Choose FGM Version und Zahlungsmethode. Wir empfehlen, dass Trader mit der FGM Advanced Trial-Version, die genau das gleiche wie die Advanced Full-Version, außer der Trial ist - Erweiterung handelt nur Demo-Konten und läuft 3 Monate nach dem Kaufdatum ab. Fortgeschrittene oder Express-Testversionen können entweder auf Advanced oder Express Full-Versionen mit einem Rabatt erweitert werden. FGM Advanced beinhaltet alle FGM Express-Einstellungen, aber auch HedgeSystem-Einstellungen oder 2. Raster und andere Einstellungen Um exakte Unterschiede zu vergleichen, sehen Sie beide Handbücher hier. Pay Vollpreis jetzt oder zahlen in monatlichen Raten mit der Abonnement-Option unten Nach 3, 6 oder 9 Zahlungen sind keine weiteren Zahlungen erforderlich und die Lizenz für die FGM-Version gekauft ist permanent. Kauf FGM Express Trial oder Full Version. Käufe FGM Advanced Trial oder Vollversion. ForexGridMaster v5 1 Manual.1 ForexGridMaster v5 1 Handbuch MT4 Expert Advisor User Input Guide aktualisiert am 9. September 2014 Copyright Alle Rechte vorbehalten EA Design von James King Programmiert von Gendec Design v2 4 to V3 01 und v5 1, der meister ist zurück, privat v3 02 bis v4 49 Der Inhalt dieser Präsentation ist nur für pädagogische Zwecke und sollte nicht als Anlageberatung in irgendeiner Weise als Eigentümer, Mitarbeiter, verbundene Unternehmen und / oder assoziierte Unternehmen betrachtet werden Haftbar für irgendwelche Verluste oder Schäden jeglicher Art, die direkt oder indirekt aus dem Handel oder der Nutzung von Angeboten entstehen können, einschließlich ForexGridMaster und ForexTradeManager Expert Advisor Roboter und alle damit zusammenhängenden Informationen und Materialien auf oder außerhalb der Website Die Nutzungsbedingungen für die Nutzung von Alle Materialien, die sich auf ForexGridMaster und ForexTradeManager beziehen, sind ab und auch im Inhaltsverzeichnis verfügbar TOC ForexGridMaster v5 1 Input List Wichtige ForexGridMaster Benutzerrichtlinien ForexGridMaster v5 1 Einstellungsbeschreibungen MainGrid FixedCenter und MovingCenter Szenarien Stealth Mode Prozent MainGrid und HedgeGrid Läuft HedgeGrid Operation CloseNow Scenarios FGM Kommentare Angezeigt auf Diagrammdatei Problem Lösung Einleitung zu ForexGridMaster ForexGridMaster EA Expert Advisor wurde entwickelt, um den Händlern zu ermöglichen, ihre eigenen unbegrenzten Anzahl von automatischen Trading-System-Strategien zu entwerfen und zu handeln sowie die von anderen geteilten und geteilten FGM ist auch sehr vielseitig für Präzision halbautomatisch Manueller Handel, vor allem Skalping Alle FGM-Roboter-Eingaben und was sie tun, sind transparent und leicht konfiguriert durch den Händler ForexGridMaster wurde für, aber nicht beschränkt auf die Entwicklung von mathematisch basierten Grid-Trading-Strategien, die von Preis nach oben oder unten oder beide Wege gleichzeitig profitieren entwickelt , Einschließlich Trend, Gegen-Trend, Reichweite, Scalping, News und oder Breakout-Trading Wir sind offen für Ihre Ideen und fügen neue Features für FGM, die höhere und sicherere Gewinn für uns alle Sample Strategy Ergebnisse sind auf unserer Performance-Seite und dem Forum veröffentlicht ForexGridMaster v5 ist sehr viel auf der Vorderseite mit ihm s Basis von 7.000 Zeilen Code programmiert von einem Master-Programmierer Gendec Design, die über die normalen Grenzen von MetaTrader 4, die von MetaQuotes entwickelt werden. Matching spezifische FGM-Strategien zu den am besten geeigneten Broker können eine große machen Unterschied zu Ihrem Endergebnis, vor allem für Scalping-Strategien Wir sind ständig testen viele der alten und neuen MT4 und MT4-ECN Broker Ich habe mit mehr als 20 sorgfältig ausgewählte Broker seit 2002 gehandelt und die Entscheidungen weiterhin zu Gunsten der Händler als Broker zu entwickeln Werden wettbewerbsfähiger, Händler mehr bewusst, und Regulierungsbehörden mehr wachsam Jetzt ist es die Norm zu erwarten niedrige Spreads 1 Pip oder weniger für Eurusd, keine oder niedrige Provisionen, keine Re-Anführungszeichen, sofortige Ausführung, keine Beschränkungen auf ausstehende Reihenfolge Abstand von aktuellen Preis, 0-1 Pip Stop Loss, 1 ms bis 10 ms oder weniger Latenz von VPS zu Broker Server, etc. Dies sind alle wichtigen Aspekte von Forex zu lernen und nutzen, um Ihren Vorteil ForexGridMaster ist benutzerfreundlich, und es ist auch eine sehr anspruchsvolle Software-Programm, das Zeit und Praxis für den Benutzer braucht, um sich vertraut und komfortabel mit all seinen Einstellungen und möglichen Kombinationen ab 26. August 2013, denken wir, dass kein anderer Roboter vergleichen kann und dass Ihre Bemühungen mit FGM gut belohnt werden FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Seite 1 von 28.2 ForexGridMaster v5 1 Expert Advisor Input List TOC Diese 104 Tradereingabe-Einstellungen sind mit ihren Beschreibungen weiter unten verknüpft. Die Standardwerte sind nur für Demonstrationszwecke Back-Test aller FGM-Strategien für mindestens 3 Jahre vor dem Handel Echtes Geld, so dass Sie wissen, die Risiken Copyright 2010 auf Alle Rechte vorbehalten Kontakt - 1 EANumber 528 2a SetFileName FGM-default 2b SetFileInfo FGM-default 3a MainGridActive true 3b MainGridFixedCenter true 4a HedgeGridActive false 4b HedgeGridFixedCenter true MainGrid Allgemeine Eingänge 5 MainBuy-1Sell-2BuySell - 3 3 6 MainTrend-1CounterTrend-2 2 7 MainFullGrid-1HalfGrid-2 2 8 MainGridSpacing 50 9a MainMaxPendingBuyOrders 2 9b MainMaxPendingSellOrders 2 10a MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 21 10b MainMaxOpenSellTrades 21 11 MainCenterZonePips 0 12a OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice falsch 12b OpenSellAtCurrentPrice falsch 13 MainGridOrderReplacement wahr Maingrid Bestelleingänge 14a MainLotSize b MainLotSizePercent MainTakeProfitPips MainStopLossPips 0 17a MainBreakEvenStop falsch 17b MainProfitPipsBeforeBES 10 17c MainBreakEvenStopPlusPips 1 18a MainProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 18b MainTrailStopPips 20 19 MainTakeProfitPercent 0 20 MainStopLossPercent 0 21a MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 21b MainTrailStopPercent 0 05 Maingrid FixedCenter Eingänge 22 MainGridSpacingStep 0 23a MainLotSizeIncreaseAmount 0 0 23b MainLotSizeIncreasePercent 0 0 23c MainLotSizeIncreaseFibo falsch 24 MainTakeProfitPipsStep 0 Maingrid MovingCenter Eingänge 25a MainBuySellOverLap falsch 25b MainBuySellOffsetPips 0 HedgeGrid Allgemeine Eingänge 26 HedgeBuy-1Sell-2BuySell-3 3 27 HedgeTrend-1CounterTrend-2 1 28 HedgeFullGrid-1HalfGrid-2 2 29 HedgeGridSpacing 20 30a HedgeMaxPendingBuyOrders 1 30b HedgeMaxPendingSellOrders 1 31a HedgeMaxOpenBuyTrades 1 31b HedgeMaxOpenSellTrades 1 32 HedgeCenterZonePips HedgeGridOrderReplacement wahr HedgeGrid Bestelleingänge 34a HedgeLotSize b HedgeLotSizePercent HedgeTakeProfitPips HedgeStopLossPips 0 37a HedgeBreakEvenStop falsch 37b HedgeProfitPipsBeforeBES 10 37c HedgeBreakEvenStopPlusPips 1 38a HedgeProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 38b HedgeTrailStopPips 0 HedgeGrid FixedCenter Eingänge 39 HedgeLotSizeIncreasePercent 0 CloseRun Eingänge 40 CRAutoRestart wahr 41 CRRestartPipsUpOrDown 0 42 CRRestartSeconds 0 43 CRProfitPercent CRLossPercent 0 45a CRProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 45b CRTrailStopPercent 0 46 CRProfitPips 0 47 CRLossPips 0 48a CRProfitMoneyBeforeTS 0 48b CRTrailStopMoney 0 49 CRPriceMaximum CRPriceMinimum CRPriceTrailStopPips CRLossStop wahr 53 CRIncludeClosedTradesNet wahre Zeit und Tag Eingänge 54a GridStartTime 54b GridStopTime ignorieren 55a FridayCloseTime 55b FridayCloseProfitOnly wahr 55c FridayCloseTimePeriod 120 56a TradeSunday wahr ignorieren ignorieren 56b CloseForSundayFridayTime ignorieren 56c TradeMonday true 56d TradeTuesday true 56e TradeWednesday true 56f TradeThursday true 56g TradeFriday true 57 CloseDayLeadTime 0 Verschiedene Eingaben 58a GridStartPriceUp 0 58b GridStartPriceDown 0 59 ShowComments true 60 OpenTradeSlippage 0 61 CloseTradeSlippage 0 62 LogActivity true 63 LogDebugInfo false Schließen Jetzt Eingaben 64 CloseBuyTrades false 65 CloseSellTrades false 66 DeletePendingBuyOrders false 67 DeletePendingSellOrders false 68a CloseProfitTrades false 68b GreaterProfitThan 0 69a CloseLossTrades false 69b GreaterLossThan 0 70 CloseAllNow false Wichtig - Es gibt weitere Optionen in der Datei, um zu ändern, wie und was FGM auf dem Diagramm zeigt, um Warnungen und mehr zu setzen Seien Sie sicher, Ihre Strategie ausgiebig auf einem Demo-Konto und Strategy Tester zu verstehen, um zu verstehen, was die Einstellungen und ihre Kombinationen genau tun, bevor Sie auf einem echten Geldkonto handeln Bitte nicht unterschätzen, wie wichtig das wirklich wichtig ist - einige der oben genannten 106 Einstellungen können on-the-fly geändert werden, was bedeutet, dass das FGM-Eigenschaftsfenster geöffnet werden kann, während der Roboter gehandelt wird und einige Eingabeeinstellungen geändert wurden, ohne dass die EA zuerst entfernt werden muss, die im Handumdrehen geändert werden können, sind in der Regel diejenigen, die nicht werden Ändern Sie die grundlegende Handelsstrategie FGM v5 ist ein wichtiges Upgrade so ältere Version Strategie-Dateien müssen angepasst werden, sobald geladen MT5 - Hier ist ein ausgezeichneter Brief von Daniel Fernandez Schriftsteller für CurrencyMag zu MetaQuotes, die Ihnen eine gute Vorstellung davon, wo MetaTrader ist derzeit Viele erfahrene Händler und Entwickler sind sehr verwechselt mit verschiedenen FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Seite 2 von 28.3 Aspekten von MT4 und MT5 einschließlich mich Wir sind mit allen Daniels Kommentare einverstanden und wir werden den Fortschritt von MetaTrader genau beobachten, um zu sehen, ob und wann Erstellen einer MT5-Version von ForexGridMaster Mit der MT4-Erstellung 600 begannen Metaquotes mit der Integration von Features, die sie in MT5 hatten, in MT4 jetzt bei Build 670 und nun scheint es einfach, JForex zu verbessern - Die JForex-Plattform, die in JAVA programmiert wurde, hat einen guten Ruf geschaffen und wir können Erstellen Sie eine JForex-Version von ForexGridMaster als eine Alternative, wenn nötig, um bei DukasCopy Handel und mehrere andere Broker bietet es auch Wichtige ForexGridMaster User Guidelines TOC 1 Wenn Sie neu in MT4 EA Expert Advisor Roboter Handel und müssen lernen, wie man den MT4-Handel herunterladen Plattform und Setup ForexGridMaster auf eine Demo oder echte Konto, dann bitte zuerst lesen, die wir sehr empfehlen MT4 zu ECN Broker Ich bin ein Einführung Broker zu IC Markets in Australien meine Verweis Link Build - ForexGridMaster ist am besten auf MT4 gebaut 670 und up, die Spätestens ab 9. September, Vollständige Lizenz - ForexGridMaster Vollversion ist auf Ihren Kontonamen lizenziert und kann auf so vielen Demo - und Echtgeldkonten gehandelt werden, wie Sie es mögen, solange jeder Kontoname mit dem Lizenznamen übereinstimmt. Es gibt 4 Dateien, die benötigt werden Um in Ihre MT4 Trading-Plattform Verzeichnisse platziert werden, um für ForexGridMaster bereit sein und in der Lage zu handeln Datei ist in Ihrem MT4-Plattform installiert mql4 Experten Verzeichnis-Datei ist in Ihrem MT4-Plattform installiert mql4 Bibliotheken Verzeichnis Lizenzierung Datei ist in Ihrem MT4-Plattform mql4 Bibliotheken installiert Verzeichnisdatei ist sowohl in Ihrer MT4-Plattform installiert mql4-Dateien und Tester-Dateien Verzeichnisse Als nächstes muss Ihre MT4-Plattform geschlossen und neu gestartet werden für FGM zu arbeiten Mit ForexGridMaster v5 1 und unterstützende Dateien in Ihrem Besitz sind Sie völlig unabhängig von uns Natürlich sind wir Sind hier um zu helfen, wann immer Sie es brauchen und wir ermutigen Sie, an unserem Forum teilzunehmen. Konten oder Makler können jederzeit geändert werden, wenn ohne irgendetwas von uns, solange der Name auf den verschiedenen Konten gleich bleibt wie der Name, den Sie uns für die Lizenzierung zur Verfügung gestellt haben Sie sind berechtigt, keine Kosten für alle Fehlerkorrekturen und Upgrades innerhalb von Version 4 zu haben. Trial-Lizenz - ForexGridMaster Trial-Version ist genau die gleiche wie die Vollversion, außer dass es ein Lizenz-Ablaufdatum gesetzt ist, um mindestens drei Monate ab dem Tag abzurechnen Senden Sie FGM Die Trial-Version ist lizenziert auf Ihren Namen und kann so viele Demo-Konten wie Sie es handeln, aber es wird nicht auf Echtgeld Konten 5 Account Währung - FGM wird mit jedem Konto basierte Währung USD, EUR, GBP, JPY arbeiten , CHF, AUD, etc. 6 Dezimalstellen - ForexGridMaster erkennt automatisch, ob Ihr Broker 2, 3, 4 oder 5 Dezimalstellen für Preisanfragen verwendet. So kann auf jeden Fall MainTakeProfitPips auf 17 Pips gesetzt werden, unabhängig davon, ob der Preis Zitate verwenden 2, 3, 4 oder 5 Dezimalstellen Bei der EURUSD als Beispiel des 5. Platzes dezimale Preisgestaltung ist der 4. Platz Dezimal die Pip und der 5. ein Bruchteil eines Pips, der als Punkt bezeichnet wird. Wenn sich die EURUSD von bis zu bewegt Dann hat es 1 Pip oder 10 Punkte verschoben, wenn es von bis dahin bewegt wird, hat es 1 10 von Pip oder 1 Punkt verschoben Für Währungen mit 3 Dezimalstellen, wie zB USDJPY, wenn es sich von dann bewegt, hat es 1 Pip oder verschoben 10 Punkte, und wenn von bis dahin hat es 1 10 von einem Pip oder 1 Punkt 7 ECN - ForexGridMaster arbeitet auf ECN verbunden MT4 Nicht-Dealer Broker Plattformen wie gehostet von IC Markets in Australien Eine ECN-Anschluss bietet normalerweise die besten Spreads und Ausführung Bei der Betrachtung von Maklern, die Sie auswählen möchten, überprüfen Sie bitte mit uns auf aktuelle Empfehlungen 8 Einstellungen ändern - Wenn Sie eine neue Strategie starten oder Änderungen an einer bestehenden Strategie vornehmen, außer Einstellungen, die on-the-fly geändert werden können, ist es am besten, zuerst zu entfernen ForexGridMaster, und löschen Sie dann alle Diagrammobjekte rechts klicken Sie auf Diagramm, wählen Sie Objektliste, wählen Sie alle Objekte aus, indem Sie eine Objektzeile auswählen und dann Strg a verwenden, um alle auszuwählen und dann Delete auf der rechten Seite zu verwenden Auch nach dem Löschen von Objekten, irgendwelchen offenen Trades oder ausstehend Aufträge, die auf dem Diagramm verbleiben, werden nicht mehr von FGM kontrolliert und müssen separat manuell verwaltet werden und durch den Einsatz von ForexTradeManager, um viele oder alle Aufträge schnell zu schließen. In jedem Fall bitte immer gründlich auf einem Demo-Account oder Strategy Tester testen Bis Sie zuversichtlich sind, dass Sie wissen, was ist, was FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 3 of 28.4 9 Zeitrahmen - ForexGridMaster-Strategien sind nicht zeitrahmenabhängig, was bedeutet, dass Sie jede beliebige FGM-Strategie, die Sie gerne in jedem Zeitrahmen und Der einzige Unterschied wird sein, wie gut Sie können die Trading-Aktion zu sehen Meine Routine ist immer ForexGridMaster Handel auf dem M1 Zeitrahmen nur halten und ich öffne ein zusätzliches Diagramm oder zwei der gleichen Währungspaar auf dem gleichen Konto, um andere Zeit - Frames Die ausstehenden Aufträge und offenen Trades werden auch auf dem Extra-Chart angezeigt Der Zeitrahmen kann on-the-fly auf dem gleichen Diagramm geändert werden, das ForexGridMaster Trades, aber dies wird die Anzeigegröße der CloseRun-Balken aufgrund von MT4 beeinflussen Objekt-Display-Einschränkungen Wichtig - Bei Back-Test-Strategien im Strategy Tester müssen Sie immer den M1-Zeitrahmen wählen 10 Closing-Aufträge - Immer wenn offene und oder ausstehende Aufträge ausgelöst werden, um gleichzeitig zu schließen, durch eine der CloseRun-Einstellungen und auch durch ForexTradeManager, es braucht Zeit für die offenen Trades und ausstehende Aufträge zu schließen Preis ist bewegt, so dass die Ergebnisse nicht perfekt sein werden Die endgültigen Ergebnisse werden mehr oder weniger als das, was das Ziel war In normalen Marktbedingungen, ist der Unterschied relativ klein, wenn überhaupt If Sie verwenden Skalping-Strategien ist es am besten, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Latenz von Ihrem FGM-Roboter auf den Broker-Server ist niedrig, 0 bis 50 ms am besten 11 Viele Bestellungen - Je mehr offene Trades und ausstehende Aufträge, die auf Ihre Charts sind, desto mehr Chancen Es wird von Ausführungsverzögerungen, vor allem, wenn die Latenz der Handelsausführung ist mehr als 50 ms Auch nicht alle Makler sind die gleichen Die Menge an Technologie beteiligt, Ihre Broker und ihre Server, ihre MT4-Umgebung, der Computer Ihr ForexGridMaster Trades aus, die Bank-Feeds an den Broker, das Internet, etc. ist verrückt und auch relativ in seiner Kindheit MT4 führt nur eine Zeile Code zu einem Zeitpunkt pro Chart, so dass Fehler können passieren und am Anfang ist es wichtig, ein wachsames Auge zu halten Ihre MT4-Plattform, da sie Ihre Strategien abwickelt, zumindest bis Sie wissen, dass alle zuverlässig arbeiten werden Wir empfehlen Ihnen dringend, dass Sie Ihre Strategien und auch Strategien von anderen auf einem Demokonto zuerst handeln und sie auch auf Strategy Tester auf mindestens einem Jahr testen Von M1-Daten oder Tick-Daten, solange es dauert, bis Sie sehr vertraut und zuversichtlich, wie alle ForexGridMaster Eingabe-Einstellungen für diese Strategien arbeiten Wenn Sie mit dem Handel echtes Geld beginnen, starten kleine MT4 Broker sind nicht gleich und verschiedene MT4 Broker-Plattformen können verschiedene Ergebnisse für verschiedene Gründe produzieren Allerdings ForexGridMaster Programmierung ist die beste industrielle Stärke Qualität und ist in der Lage handeln Arbeitsstrategien sehr zuverlässig auf unbestimmte Zeit 12 FGM EA Smiley Gesicht - Wenn ForexGridMaster Handel ist und alles gut ist, werden Sie Sehen Sie ein kleines Smiley-Face-Symbol, das oben rechts im Währungspaar-Diagrammfenster positioniert ist. Sie können auf das Smiley-Gesicht klicken, um das FGM-Fenster zu öffnen. Manchmal aber ist die Info, die auf dem Diagramm direkt unter dem Smiley-Gesicht gedruckt wird, versehentlich und FGM ausgewählt Wird nicht geöffnet, um seine Eigenschaften Fenster, vor allem, wenn Sie eine größere Schriftgröße für das Diagramm gewählt haben Kommentare und Stats ausdrucken Andernfalls klicken Sie einfach in jedem freien Bereich auf der Chart-Anzeige und wählen Sie Experten Berater und dann Eigenschaften In einer Notsituation Wenn FGM nicht zugegriffen werden kann, um seine Eigenschaftseinstellungen zu ändern oder aus irgendeinem Grund nicht zu entfernen, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Expert Advisors in der Symbolleiste oben, um sie zu deaktivieren oder einfach das Diagrammfenster zu schließen, um FGM zu entfernen. Wenn nötig, alle offenen Trades und ausstehende Aufträge Muss dann manuell oder mit ForexTradeManager geschlossen werden Das Smiley-Gesicht wird rot, wenn FGM aktiv ist und das Eigenschaften-Fenster nicht zugänglich ist, während es rot ist 13 Strategie-Dateien - Beim Erstellen von Strategien für ForexGridMaster mit den unten beschriebenen Eingabeeinstellungen können sie sein Als Preset-Dateien in Ihrem MT4-Plattform-Experten-Preset-Verzeichnis-Standard gespeichert, so dass, wann immer Sie diese Strategie handeln möchten, können Sie ForexGridMaster auf einem Diagramm öffnen und dann Laden Sie die Preset-Datei auf der Registerkarte Eingänge FGM Preset-Dateien können auch gespeichert und geteilt werden Andere Wir nennen Preset-Dateien, so dass wir erkennen können, was die Strategie ist Zum Beispiel, wenn benannt audnzd es sa BuySell CounterTrend-Strategie für die audnzd mit MainGridSpacing 7 Pips, MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 70 und MainMaxOpenSellTrades 70, MainLotSizePercent 0 0001, MainTakeProfitPips 21, CloseRunProfitPercent 1 und CloseRunLossPercent 50 14 Leverage - Einige Broker erlauben so viel wie 500 1 Hebel auf ihre Konten Dies bedeutet, dass FGM ein volles Standard-Los von 100.000 mit nur 200 am Rand, das ist hervorragend für FGM, vor allem, wenn Sie auf der Suche nach hohem Gewinn zu handeln Die meisten Grid-Trading-Strategien brauchen viel Flexibilität, um in der Lage zu sein, mindestens eine 30 maximale schwimmende Equity-Drawdown zu haben. Seien Sie sicher, dass Sie wissen, was Sie tun, aber so hohe Hebelwirkung kann auch gefährlich sein Die Hebelwirkung auf dem Konto, dass FGM Handel ist, kann gesehen werden In den Experten-Tab-Einträgen, in der Regel eine Zeile oder zwei nach FGM wurde initialisiert 15 Sharing-Strategien - Dateien können mit anderen Händlern direkt oder auf unserem Forum geteilt werden Unser Ziel ist es, viele Händler zu schaffen, zu retten und zu optimieren zuverlässige Gewinnstrategien Für alle Bitte besuchen und teilnehmen in unserem Forum als zusammen Ich denke, wir können gut profitable und zuverlässige FGM-Strategien entwickeln FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Seite 4 von 28.5 16 Back-testing - FGM sollte immer M1-Daten oder Tick-Daten für Back - Testen, da kein anderer Zeitrahmen ordnungsgemäß funktioniert Siehe die Rücktest-Anleitung, die mit Ihrem FGM-Kauf für weitere Informationen enthalten ist. In History Center Top-Menü Tools History Center verwenden Sie die Download-Schaltfläche ganz unten links, um M1-Daten von MetaQuotes MT4-Programmentwickler herunterzuladen - Testing spart Tonnen von Zeit und Trauer und kann spannend sein, ähnlich wie ein gutes Videospiel zu spielen Wenn du kein Backtest bist, ist es so, dass du auf den Rand einer Meile hohe Klippe mit einer Augenbinde auf ForexGridMaster v5 1 Expert Advisor Input Setting läuft Beschreibungen TOC ForexGridMaster handelt zwei Arten von Gittern, ein MainGrid und / oder ein HedgeGrid, entweder in Kombination miteinander oder unabhängig. Wenn kombiniert, funktionieren die HedgeGrid-Einstellungen immer vollständig von den MainGrid-Einstellungen ab, außer dass CloseRuns durch die Nettogewinn - und - verlustberechnungen von ausgelöst werden Sowohl MainGrid - als auch HedgeGrid-Trades kombiniert 1 EANumber 528 - EAN Diese Eingabe ermöglicht es jeder Instanz von ForexGridMaster, ihre eigenen Trades und Berechnungen von anderen Instanzen von FGM, anderen EAs und auch anderen Trades, die manuell auf demselben Währungspaar platziert haben, zu verfolgen Verschiedene Währungspaare im selben Handelskonto Jeder FGM muss von sich aus auf seinem eigenen Chart laufen und seine EANumber muss eindeutig von jeder EAN-Nummer unterscheiden, die von anderen EAs auf anderen Charts verwendet wird. ForexGridMaster s Eingabeeinstellungen beeinflussen nur Handelsaufträge, die mit der EANumber dieses FGM verbunden sind Instanz Dies unterscheidet sich von ForexTradeManager, dessen Einstellungen alle Handelsaufträge beeinflussen können, die manuell und oder von anderen EAs platziert werden. Es spielt keine Rolle, was EANumber Sie wählen, außer dass die Nummer auf 9 Ziffern begrenzt ist. Wenn Sie den Handel mit Ihrer Strategie beenden, ist es am besten, ForexGridMaster zu entfernen Aus dem Diagramm, und wenn Sie wieder mit einer neuen Strategie beginnen, achten Sie darauf, entweder die EANumber zu ändern oder löschen Sie das Objekt, so dass die aktuellen Run Stats auf dem Diagramm für einen neuen Anfang ordnungsgemäß zurückgesetzt werden, und auch der Roboter wird nicht beeinflusst werden Durch irgendeine historische Handelsaktivität, die vorher aufgetreten ist Diese Einstellung kann nicht geändert werden on-the-fly 2a SetFileName gbpusdbsct-5s-1tot-21lsp 001ip-11crpp SFN Was Sie hier für diese Einstellung eingeben, wird auf dem Diagramm oben rechts angezeigt Alles hier, aber am nützlichsten für mich ist ein Name, der die Haupteinstellungswerte der Strategie angibt. Der Name gbpusdbsct-5s-1tot-21lsp 001ip-11crpp-0 34 sagt mir, dass es die GBPUSD handelt, es sa MainGrid BuySell CounterTrend FixedCenter Strategie mit Diese Werte setzen MainGridSpacing 5 Pips, MainGridSpacingStep 1 Pip, MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 21 Trades und MainMaxOpenSellTrades 21 Trades, MainLotSizePercent 0 001, MainLotSizeIncreasePercent 11 und CRProfitPercent 0 34 CloseRun Einstellung Diese Einstellungen können on-the-fly geändert werden 2b SetFileInfo FGM-Default - SFI Sie können Geben Sie auch etwas hier ein Diese Einstellung kann on-the-fly geändert werden 3a MainGridActive true - MGA Wenn auf true gesetzt, werden alle MainGrid-Einstellungen aktiviert Wenn false dann alle MainGrid-Einstellungen deaktiviert sind Diese Einstellung kann nicht geändert werden on-the-fly 3b MainGridFixedCenter true - MGFC Beim Tragen einer MainGrid FixedCenter-Strategie wird das FixedCenter der aktuelle Marktpreis sein, wenn FGM Run 1 einleitet. Wenn Sie jedoch entweder OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice oder OpenSellAtCurrentPrice nicht gleichzeitig beendet haben, dann ist das FixedCenter die Hälfte des MainGridSpacing-Pips-Werts Weg von und genau zwischen den ersten kaufen und verkaufen Slots des MainGrid Wenn Sie Ihre Strategie-Einstellungen konfiguriert haben und bereit sind, FGM zu handeln, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche OK und Ihre FGM-Strategie startet Run 1 beim nächsten Tick Das FixedCenter bleibt gleich MainGrid FixedCenter-Preis für die Dauer des Runs und der Rest des Rasters entwickelt sich auf der Grundlage des FixedCenter-Preises Es gibt 5 Einstellungen im Abschnitt "MainGrid FixedCenter Inputs", die beim Tragen einer MainGrid FixedCenter-Strategie verwendet werden können. Wenn MainGridFixedCenter false - MGMC Es bedeutet a MovingCenter Der anfängliche MainGrid MovingCenter-Preis wird der aktuelle Marktpreis sein Der Rest des Rasters wird sich auf der Grundlage des MainGrid-Anfangs-MovingCenter-Preises entwickeln, auch wenn das nicht-festecenter sich bewegt. Weil einige Broker nicht zulassen, dass ausstehende Aufträge innerhalb von 5 platziert werden können -20 Pips mehr oder weniger Marktpreis, je nach MainGridSpacing, die anfänglichen Rasterpositions-Slots neben dem MainGrid-Center dürfen nicht mit ausstehenden Aufträgen gefüllt werden, bis der aktuelle Preis weit genug weggegangen ist, um es zu erlauben. Inzwischen sind die Raster-Slots weiter aus Aus MainGrid-Center werden gefüllt, wenn und wo möglich nach dem bereits etablierten Anfang MainGrid-Center-Preis und Ihren anderen Eingabemöglichkeiten Entscheidungen Ein MovingCenter wird sich ändern, um immer der aktuelle Marktzugang zu sein, wenn Sie entweder ein Buy - oder Sell-Raster handeln oder ein BuySell-Raster kombiniert mit BuySellOverlap true und oder BuySellOffset Wenn Sie jedoch ein BuySell-Raster und BuySellOverlap false handeln, wird das MovingCenter sich selbst konzentrieren und zwischen den Kauf - und Verkaufsaufträgen bleiben und sich nach Bedarf bewegen, um immer zwischen den Kauf - und Verkaufsaufträgen zu kaufen Und verkaufe ausstehende Aufträge werden als FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Seite 5 von 28.6 so nah wie möglich an die Rasterzentrale gemäß Ihren MainGridSpacing - und MainCenterZonePips-Einstellungen platziert. Siehe Beispiele unmittelbar unten Diese Einstellung kann nicht geändert werden on-the-fly MainGrid FixedCenter und MovingCenter-Szenarien TOC Trading einer MainGrid FixedCenter-Strategie, die Buy and Sell ausstehenden Aufträge werden voneinander getrennt gehalten, kauft auf einer Seite des FixedCenter-Preises und verkauft auf der anderen, keine Überschneidung erlaubt Als Beispiel, wenn FGM einen MainGrid BuySell Trend handelt Strategie, nur ausstehende Kauf-Stopp-Aufträge können über dem FixedCenter-Preis platziert werden und nur ausstehend Sell Stop-Aufträge können nach unten platziert werden Wenn FGM ein MainGrid-Buy-Trend-HalfGrid als ein anderes Beispiel handelt, können nur noch ausstehende Buy-Stop-Aufträge über dem FixedCenter-Preis platziert werden Wird die Hälfte der MainGridSpacing-Wert unter dem 1. offenen Kaufauftrag, ob anhängig oder offen Wenn Sie eine MainGrid Buy CounterTrend HalfGrid-Strategie handeln, dann können nur ausstehende Buy Limit Orders unter dem FixedCenter-Preis platziert werden. Trading eine MainGrid MovingCenter-Strategie mit GridStartPriceUp 0 0 und GridStartPriceDown 0 0 beide deaktiviert, Run 1 startet beim aktuellen Marktpreis, aber mit einem MovingCenter wird es immer als Marktgebot Preisänderungen für die Dauer von Run 1 Für Run 2, wird das Start-MovingCenter wieder das sofortige Marktangebot sein Preis nach dem Ende von Run 1 Follow-up-Läufe, wenn CRAutoRestart true auf die gleiche Weise fortgesetzt wird Trading eine MainGrid MovingCenter-Strategie auf der Eurusd als Beispiel, mit GridStartPriceUp und oder GridStartPriceDown 1 3195 wird Run 1 in Zukunft starten, wenn der aktuelle Markt Gebot Preis steigt um 30 Pips nach oder nach unten für Run 2, wenn CRAutoRestart wahr ist, wird das Start-MovingCenter der sofortige Markt Gebot Preis nach dem Ende von Run 1, die zu einem anderen Center Preis als wo Run 1 begann Follow - up Runs will continue the same way When GridStartPriceUp and or GridStartPriceDown any value more than 0 , then it only applies to Run 1 and not any follow-up Runs Both are immediately disabled after one is triggered and the MainGrid opens and they can only be re - enabled again by manual intervention at the beginning to trigger Run 1 These settings can be changed on-the-fly if neither of them has not yet been triggered 4a HedgeGridActive false - HGA If set to the default false then all HedgeGrid General Inputs and HedgeGrid Order inputs settings below are ignored If Hedge true then all HedgeGrid settings below are enabled according to how each of them are set This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 4b HedgeGridFixedCenter true - HGFC If set to the default true then this setting will work much the same as does MainGridFixedCenter true and whatever HedgeGrid pending orders are placed, the HedgeGrid created will remain fixed for the duration of the Run When a CloseRun occurs automatically and CRAutoRestart true, then a new MainGrid and or HedgeGrid Run will start up at the immediate current market bid price after all previous Run orders are closed One important difference between a HedgeGrid with a FixedCenter and a MainGrid with a FixedCenter is that the MainGrid number of grid positions slots for pending orders, including either an OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice or OpenSellAtCurrentPrice immediate market order, are fixed by the MainGrid settings MainMaxOpenBuyTrades and MainMaxOpenSellTrades, whereas the HedgeGrid orders are fixed and restricted toward the HedgeGrid center by the outer edge of the HedgeCenterZone but not restricted going away from HedgeGrid center where they can be placed further and further out according to their HedgeGridSpacing as price continues outwards until either a CloseRun or a Margin restriction is reached, or FGM s internal restriction of max open grid positions of 500, meaning 250 positions on the Buy side and 250 on the Sell side If HedgeGridFixedCenter false HGMC it means a MovingCenter HedgeCenterZone can move similar to how MainCenterZone moves when trading a MovingCenter grid HedgeCenterZone will move as the HedgeGrid buys and sells move, and no HedgeGrid orders open or pending can occupy a position within the HedgeCenterZone no matter where it is The HedgeCenterZone will move in the direction of price and closing HedgeGrid orders if they are closing within the current Run, and will remain between the HedgeGrid buy and sell orders For example, if HedgeCenterZonePips 100, and HedgeGridSpacing 20, and initial MovingCenter is at it looks like this hedge buy 2 stop at HedgeGridSpacing hedge buy 1 stop at HedgeCenterZonePips will move up or down as HedgeGrid buys and sells move hedge sell 1 stop at HedgeGridSpacing 20 FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 6 of 28.7 hedge sell 2 stop at and then price moves down to then the HedgeGrid will look like this hedge buy 2 stop at moved down from when hedge buy 1 stop moved down HedgeGridSpacing hedge buy 1 stop at moved down from when hedge sell 1 closed HedgeCenterZonePips moved down 20 pips hedge sell 2 opened --- at 2nd hedge sell opened as price moved down hedge sell 1 closed ---- at HedgeTakeProfitPips 30 reached hedge sell 3 stop at placed when hedge sell 1 closed and then price moves all the way back up from to then the HedgeGrid will look like this hedge buy 3 stop at hedge buy 1 closed ---- at HedgeTakeProfitPips 30 reached hedge buy 2 opened --- at when price moved up to here HedgeCenterZonePips moved back up 20 pips hedge sell 3 stop at placed when hedge buy 1 closed HedgeGridSpacing hedge sell 2 open at 2nd hedge sell opened did not reach take profit and then price keeps moving up from to say then the HedgeGrid will now look like this hedge buy 4 stop at hedge buy 2 closed ---- at HedgeTakeProfitPips 30 reached hedge buy 3 open at opened when price moved up from HedgeCenterZonePips moved back up 20 pips hedge sell 3 stop at moved up 20 pips MainGrid General Inputs These settings apply only to the MainGrid that your strategy trades 5 MainBuy-1Sell-2BuySell-3 3 - MB or MS or MBS This input determines whether the trade orders placed by ForexGridMaster are either all buy orders Buy-1 , all sell orders Sell-2 , or both buy and sell orders BuySell-3 As an example, if you choose the default BuySell-3, and you decide to trade a Trend grid of orders to capture profit in the direction of the price trend, then buy stop orders will be placed above grid center and sell stop orders below If BuySell-3 is chosen and you want to trade a CounterTrend grid of orders, then buy limit orders will be placed below grid center and sell limit orders above When trading a BuySell grid, HalfGrid must be chosen too because you are trading a half grid of buy orders with a half grid of sell orders All grid orders are placed at currency pair bid prices This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 6 MainTrend-1CounterTrend-2 2 - MT or MCT This input determines whether the MainGrid of orders traded will be a Trend or a CounterTrend strategy A Trend strategy places buy stops above grid center Buy Trend , or sell stops below grid center Sell Trend or both BuySell Trend A CounterTrend strategy places buy limits below grid center Buy CounterTrend , or sell limits above grid center Sell CounterTrend or both BuySell CounterTrend This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 7, MainFullGrid-1HalfGrid -2 2 - MFG or MHG This input determines whether the MainGrid orders will be placed equally divided on both sides of grid center when set to FullGrid for Buy or Sell grids, or one side only when set to HalfGrid for Buy or Sell grids BuySell grids must be set to HalfGrid because you are trading a HalfGrid of buy orders with a HalfGrid of sell orders This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly Here are some basic examples FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 7 of 28.8 1 You wish to trade a Buy Trend grid to profit on price that is trending upwards You can choose FullGrid which will place pending buy stop orders above either a Moving or FixedCenter price, and pending buy limit orders below, or you can choose HalfGrid which will place pending buy stop orders above a Moving or FixedCenter price, but no buy limits below Using HalfGrids when trend trading in one direction only will lessen the number of accumulating open negative trades due to long price runs or spikes in the opposite direction of the trend you are trading Depending on your MainGridSpacing and how strong the trending market is, you may experience 30 or more less losing trades being opened by retracements opening your buy stops that are following the price downwards from above 2 You wish to trade a Buy CounterTrend Half grid when you expect price to drop and turn back up This will place a HalfGrid of pending buy limit orders below either a Moving or FixedCenter, but no buy stops above 3 You wish to trade a BuySell CounterTrend grid on price that is ranging When you trade a BuySell strategy you must choose HalfGrid which will place pending sell limit orders above either a Moving or FixedCenter price, and pending buy limit orders below either a Moving or FixedCenter price 8 MainGridSpacing 5 - MGS This input determines the distance in pips from each pending trade order to the next pending trade order of the same type buys or sells in your trading grid There may be broker restrictions as to where the placement of the first pending orders are placed If the MainCenterZonePips setting is used then the first pending orders start at the exact edge of the CenterZone and MainGridSpacing applies from there MainGridSpacing will not work when both OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice true and OpenSellAtCurrentPrice true This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 9a MainMaxPendingBuyOrders 2 - MMPBO This input determines both the number of pending buy limit or buy stop orders that your strategy will place at grid start and the maximum number of pending buy orders permitted at any one time When trading a FullGrid, this input must be set to an even number such as 2, 28, or 50, not 1, 27, or 49 If either or both MainMaxOpenBuyTrades and MainMaxOpenSellTrades below are set to a number other than the default 0, then MainMaxOpenBuyTrades and MainMaxOpenSellTrades will determine the limit of open trades allowed, and the number of pending orders will be controlled accordingly If the number of open buy or sell trades reaches their limit, but then decreases one or more open trades close , then ForexGridMaster will resume opening pending orders to match FGM also limits the total number of open pending orders to a maximum of 50 This setting can be changed on-the-fly to a higher value but not lower 9b MainMaxPendingSellOrders 2 - MMPSO This operates exactly like above but applies to pending sell orders 10a MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 21 - MMOBT When set to the default 0, this input is ignored When set to a number value, this input limits the number of open buy trades at any one time to that number Manual trades or other EAs with a unique EANumber can be traded on the same currency pair and or other pairs on other charts on the same account, without them being affected by this setting Most brokers limit the total number of orders placed in an account and some don t This setting can be changed on-the-fly except when MainGridFixedCenter true When MainGridActive true and MainGridFixedCenter true, if MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 20 for example then the total number of MainGrid buy positions slots that can be occupied by buy orders on the MainGrid buy side is fixed at 20 Any trade orders occupying any of those 20 positions can be opened, closed and replaced within a Run according to values set for other FGM inputs MaxOpenOrders Buy Sell limit is b MainMaxOpenSellTrades 21 - MMOST This operates exactly as the one above but applies to sell orders 11 MainCenterZonePips 0 - MCZP When set to the default 0, this input is ignored When set to a number of whole pips greater than 0, then a MovingCenter or FixedCenter MainCenterZone, the pips depth of the value set, is created at and centered by MainGrid center This CenterZone separates the placement of buy and sell orders, by the set value For example, if MainCenterZonePips 30, then no MainGrid orders pending or open can occupy a position inside that 30 pip CenterZone If a MovingCenter strategy is traded MainGridFixedCenter false , then the CenterZone can move as the position of the buys and sells move, however no MainGrid orders open or pending can occupy a position within the CenterZone no matter where it is HedgeGrid orders are the exception, meaning that HedgeGrid orders can be placed inside of the MainCenterZone which is possible but not normal , the same as MainGrid orders can be placed inside of the HedgeCenterZone which is common to do When trading a HalfGrid, say a Buy Trend strategy, then the MainCenterZone space is half what MainCenterZonePips is set to This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly When trading a MovingCenter strategy, the MainCenterZone moves in the direction of price and closing orders if orders are closing within the current Run, and will remain between the buy and sell orders and will move as needed FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 8 of 28.9 to always be between the buy and sell orders However, when trading a FixedCenter strategy, then the CenterZone will remain fixed in place for the duration of the Run, keeping buys and sells separated When trading a BuySell strategy and BuySellOverlap true, then MainCenterZonePips 0 must be set to disable the input MainCenterZonePips cannot be changed on-the-fly Here are examples of how the CenterZone works with a FixedCenter or MovingCenter a FixedCenter --- MainGridFixedCenter true, MainGridSpacing 15, MainCenterZonePips 100, MainTakeProfitPips 35, MainMaxPendingBuyOrders 2 Looks like this buy 2 stop at buy 1 stop at CenterZonePips Remains fixed in place until the Run closes sell 1 stop at sell 2 stop at In the above example the CenterZone is fixed between and within the current Run So if price moves down as an example, and sell 1 is opened at and then closed at by reaching its MainTakeProfitPips 35, the CenterZonePips 100 will simply remain from to until the Run closes b MovingCenter --- MainGridFixedCenter false CenterZonePips 100, MainTakeProfitPips 35, TotalPendingBuyOrders 2 Looks like this buy 2 stop at buy 1 stop at CenterZonePips Initial CenterZone placement which will move up or down as buys and sells move sell 1 stop at sell 2 stop at When price moves down to then the MainGrid will then look like this buy 2 stop at moved down from when buy 1 stop moved down buy 1 stop at moved down from when sell 1 closed CenterZonePips moved down 15 pips sell 2 open at opened when price moved down sell 3 open at opened when price moved down -- - sell 1 closed at opened at and MainTakeProfitPips 35 reached sell 4 stop at placed when sell 2 opened sell 5 stop at placed when sell 3 opened If price then moves all the way up from to say then the MainGrid will now look like this buy 4 stop at placed when buy 2 opened buy 3 stop at placed when buy 1 opened buy 2 open at opened when price moved up here FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 9 of 28.10 buy 1 open at opened when price moved up here CenterZonePips remains in same place sell 2 open at 2nd sell opened that did not reach take profit sell 3 open at was already open sell 4 stop at placed when sell 2 opened sell 5 stop at placed when sell 3 opened If price then moves up more from to say then the MainGrid will now look like this buy 5 stop at placed when buy 3 opened buy 4 open at opened when price moved up here --- buy 1 closed at opened at and MainTakeProfitPips 35 reached buy 3 open at opened when price moved up here buy 2 open at was already open CenterZonePips moved back up 15 pips sell 4 stop at moved up when buy 1 closed and CenterZone moved up sell 2 open at sell opened that did not reach take profit sell 3 open at was already open sell 5 stop at moved up when CenterZone moved up 12a OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice false OBACP - When set to the default false, this setting is disabled When set to true, a buy order is opened immediately at current price when FGM is initiated and all other pending grid orders placed during the Run are adjusted to that price position for the grid chosen In other words, the immediate opened buy order is part of whatever grid values are chosen, and determines where the MainGridSpacing starts from When MainCenterZonePips is set to a value, both OBACP and OSACP cannot be set to true, only one of the two settings can be set to true As an example if OBACP true and a buy is opened at say and MainCenterZonePips 20 and we have a BuySell Trend grid trading, then the CenterZone is placed from to and the grid operates from there as it does normally, the first pending sell order position being set at to continue with the example If HedgeCenterZonePips is set to a value, say 400, then the center for the HedgeCenterZone will be set at OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice can be changed on-the-fly but it s important to understand how that works In fact it is a unique additional feature for scalping and also hedging or simply weighting trades at a reversal point after a long grid stretch It enables the ability to add more open buys and or sells at anytime without disturbing the current grid, and those buys and sells having the same EANumber are included in the grid for calculations and CloseRuns For example, when OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice true, every time FGM is removed from the chart and then restarted on the chart again and the OK button clicked , it opens a new buy at current price, which is in addition to picking up the grid from where FGM left off Also OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice true can be changed to false on the fly so it doesn t open a buy when you remove it from and then restart it on the chart again Then once on the chart again it can be changed on the fly again to true so that on the next Run and follow-up Runs from there, it will open a buy, but without opening a buy right then on the current Run when OK is clicked Experiment and see for yourself how it works 12b OpenSellAtCurrentPrice false - OSACP This operates exactly as the one above but applies to sell orders 13 MainGridOrderReplacement true - MGOR If true then when an order has closed it will be replaced when possible to do so within the same grid run If false then each order within a grid run will only run once GridOrderReplacement operates the same as HedgeOrderReplacement, but only for the main grid as does the other only for the HedgeGrid This setting can be changed on-the - fly FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 10 of 28.11 MainGrid Order Inputs These settings apply to individual trade orders within MainGrid, which may also be modified by FixedCenter settings 14a MainLotSize MLS This input sets the minimum value for lot-size per trade order Most brokers allow a minimum lot-size of 0 01 which is 1 100th of the standard 100,000 lot-size, or 1,000 using USD as example and so 0 01 is the default LotSize value Some brokers set their minimum lot-size 10 times higher, to 0 10 10,000 in which case FGM will display an error message saying that you will need to change this input to LotSize 0 10 before FGM can continue If HedgeGridActive true and HedgeLotSize 0 01, then same as when MainLotSize 0 01, it also would need a reset to Either a fixed MainLotSize can be set for all trade orders at the beginning of the GridRun, or MainLotSizePercent along with minimum MainLotSize The lot-size determined by either of those two choices can also be automatically increased during the GridRun by using any of the MainGridFixedCenter lot-size increase options MainLotSize can be changed on-the-fly, however it will affect new pending orders only, not pending orders already in place 14b MainLotSizePercent MLSP When a value is set here, then the lot-size traded is determined by the account s free margin multiplied by the value set in this input divided by 100 The lot-size traded will increase or decrease according to this calculation when every new pending order is placed when MainGridFixedCenter false, or at the start of and for the duration of each new Run when MainGridFixedCenter true However, it will not be applied if the calculated value is less than the MainLotSize value set above, in which case the lot-size set will be the minimum size for each new pending order placed until MainLotSizePercent calculates a larger lot-size than what MainLotSize is set to The exception to this is when you set MainGridFixedCenter true and all trade lot-sizes within the MainGrid are pre-determined regardless of how many pending orders you place at the beginning and allow at any given time within the GridRun MainLotSizePercent can enable profits to compound when profits outweigh losses, and draw-down to lessen when losses outweigh profits As an example, if MainLotSizePercent 0 001 on a standard account with a free margin value of 100,000 where 1 lot 100,000 , then the lot size will be 1 which is 100,000 x 100 1, or if set to then lot-size 1 5 or 150,000 per trade, or if set to then lot-size 1 52 or 152,000 per trade If the account has 1,000,000 to start and you set MainLotSizePercent 0 001, the lot size would then be 10 which is 1,000,000 per trade 10 x 100,000 , etc If LotSize 5 in this example with MainLotSizePercent 0 001 then that will be the minimum lot size traded regardless of the MainLotSizePercent setting if equity drops down This setting can be changed on-the-fly for MainGridFixedCenter false MovingCenter grids, however it will affect new pending orders only, and not pending orders already in place 15 MainTakeProfitPips 0 - MTPP This input determines how many pips profit each of the pending trade orders will target for capture If for example, you are trading the EURUSD, and you have a pending buy order set to open at and it opens, and MainTakeProfitPips 35 then if price reaches the trade will be triggered closed capturing 35 pips of profit if no slippage When set to 0, this input is ignored This setting can be changed on-the-fly, however it will affect new pending orders only and not pending orders already in place in MovingCenter MainGrids 16 MainStopLossPips 0 - MSLP This determines the stop-loss for each individual pending order If set to 0 then this input is ignored If for example, you are trading the EURUSD, and you have a pending buy order set to open at and it opens, and MainStopLossPips 50, then if price drops to the trade will triggered to close at a loss of 50 pips This setting can be changed on-the-fly when MainGridFixedCenter false MovingCenter and will affect new pending orders only, not pending orders already in place 17a MainBreakEvenStop false - MBES When set to true, a break even stop-loss will be set on each individual MainGrid pending order according to the values set by the next two settings When set to false, then the MainBreakEvenStop settings are disabled These settings can work with or without the following MainProfitPipsBeforeTS settings These settings can not be changed on-the-fly 17b MainProfitPipsBeforeBES 10 - MPPBBES When MainBreakEvenStop true then this setting is enabled If set to 10 as an example, when a pending order is triggered open and then moves 10 pips into profit, then a break even stop is placed on the order so that if price retraces by 10 pips, the open trade is closed at break even plus whatever pips value is set by the next setting This value can only be set to whole pips, not fractional pips 17c MainBreakEvenStopPlusPips 1 - MBESPP The value in pips set here adds to the break even stop If set to the default of 1 pip as an example, then it means that if MainProfitPipsBeforeBES 10 and an open order reaches 10 FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 11 of 28.12 pips of profit and the MainBreakEvenStop is triggered and price retraces 9 pips 10-1 , then the order stops out 1 pip in profit This setting is useful to offset commission and or swap fees and or slippage 18a MainProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 - MPPBTS If set to the default 0 pips, then this setting is ignored If set to a value such as 36 as an example, each of the individual trade orders that are opened will need to move 36 pips into profit before the MainTrailStopPips input setting below is activated If MainProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 then whatever you set MainTrailStopPips to will be the immediate starting trailing stop loss It differs from MainStopLossPips which fixes the StopLoss on the broker server This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 18b MainTrailStopPips 0 - MTSP This input determines how many pips the trail-stop will be As an example, if MainProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 and MainTrailStopPips 50, then a stop-loss is immediately set at 50 pips away from where the pending order is opened That stop loss will then trail pip by pip from there if price moves in a profitable direction If price moves in a losing direction then the trailing stop loss will remain fixed where it For another example, if MainProfitPipsBeforeTS is set to 36 and MainTrailStopPips is set to 9, then when each individual order is 36 pips into profit, the trail stop of 9 is triggered and 27 pips of profit will be locked in and if price keeps moving in a profitable direction, the trail stop will follow pip by pip Let s say that an individual order moves 50 pips into profit and then retraces 9 pips The trade will then close out with 41 pips of profit Stealth Mode Percent - These percent settings below can be used in conjunction with the pips settings above as backup stop-losses set further away than the percent stealth mode settings All CloseRun settings further below also operate in Stealth mode, meaning they are not known by the broker 19 MainTakeProfitPercent 0 - MTPPc If set to the default 0, then this setting is ignored When set to a percent value, this input determines what percentage of profit based on equity at the time of the pending order placement MovingCenter or at the start of and for the duration of the Run, will close the order As an example, if MainTakeProfitPercent 1 50, this means that 1 50 of the equity becomes the order profit target Each time a new pending order with the setting MainTakeProfitPercent set to a percentage value is placed , the target profit amount is calculated using the percent value based on the equity at that time of placement Please note the difference here MainTakeProfitPips is a target that is placed on the broker server whereas MainTakeProfitPercent is a target that is controlled by FGM in stealth mode that the broker doesn t know about 20 MainStopLossPercent 0 - MSLPc If set to the default 0 percent, then this setting is ignored When set to a percent value, this input determines what percentage of loss based on equity at the time of the pending order placement, will close the order As an example, MainStopLossPercent 1 00, this means that 1 of the equity becomes the money amount stop-loss for the order This Stealth mode setting can be changed on-the-fly 21a MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 - MPPcBTS If set to the default 0 percent, then this setting is ignored If set to a value such as 0 35 as an example, then each of the individual trade orders that are open will need to be 0 35 into profit before the MainTrailStopPercent input setting below is activated If MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 then whatever you set MainTrailStopPercent to will be the immediate trailing stop-loss It differs from MainStopLossPips which fixes the stop-loss This percent setting also operates in Stealth mode and cannot be changed on-the-fly 21b MainTrailStopPercent 0 - MTSPc Works also with MainProfitPipsBeforeTS but not if MainTrailStopPips is set to a value This input determines what percentage of equity the trail-stop will be As an example, if MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 35 and MainTrailStopPercent 0 05, then a stop-loss money value equal to 0 05 of equity at the time the MainProfitPercentBeforeTS value was determined That money stop-loss determined by 0 05 percent of equity will then trail from there if price moves in a profitable direction If price moves in a losing direction then the trailing percent stop-loss will remain fixed where it is Now if MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 55 and MainTrailStopPercent 0 05, then when each individual order has attained an amount of profit equal to 0 55 of equity at the time of the pending order placement, the trail-stop is triggered and profit is locked in and if price keeps moving in a profitable direction, the trail-stop will follow by a value equal to 0,05 of the equity at the time of placement of the pending order This Stealth mode setting cannot be changed on-the-fly MainGrid FixedCenter Inputs MainGrid FixedCenter settings when chosen can modify MainGrid orders when MainGridFixedCenter true When MainGridFixedCenter false MovingCenter , the next 5 settings in this section are ignored When MainGridFixedCenter true, then whatever grid of pending orders is initially placed, according to the next 4 settings FGM v5 1 September 9 , 2014 Page 12 of 28.ForexGridMaster v5 1 Manual.1 ForexGridMaster v5 1 Manual MT4 Expert Advisor User Input Guide updated Sep 9, 2014 Copyright All rights reserved EA Design by James King Programmed by Gendec Design v2 4 to v3 01 and v5 1, the Master is back , Private v3 02 to v4 49 The contents of this presentation are for educational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice in any way its owners, staff, affiliates and or associates, are not liable for any loss or damage of any kind which may arise directly or indirectly from the trading or use of any of offerings, including ForexGridMaster and ForexTradeManager Expert Advisor robots and all related information and materials on or off the website The Terms and Conditions for use of all materials related to ForexGridMaster and ForexTradeManager are available at and also at Table of Contents TOC ForexGridMaster v5 1 Input List Important ForexGridMaster User Guidelines ForexGridMaster v5 1 Setting Descriptions MainGrid FixedCenter and MovingCenter scenarios Stealth Mode Percent MainGrid and or HedgeGrid Runs HedgeGrid Operation CloseNow Scenarios FGM Comments Displayed on Chart File Problem Solving Introduction to ForexGridMaster ForexGridMaster EA Expert Advisor was developed to enable traders to design and trade their own unlimited number of automatic trading system strategies as well as those created and shared by others FGM is also very versatile for precision semi-automatic manual trading, especially scalping All FGM robot inputs and what they do are transparent to and easily configured by the trader ForexGridMaster was designed for, but not limited to, developing mathematically based grid trading strategies that profit from price moving up or down or both ways simultaneously, including trend, counter - trend, range, scalping, news and or breakout trading We are open to your ideas and adding new features to FGM that promise higher and safer profit for us all Sample strategy results are posted on our performance page and the forum ForexGridMaster v5 is very much on the leading edge with it s base of 7,000 lines of code programmed by a master programmer Gendec Design which goes beyond the normal limits of MetaTrader 4 developed by MetaQuotes Matching specific FGM strategies to the most appropriate brokers can make a big difference to your bottom line, especially for scalping strategies We are constantly testing many of the old and new MT4 and MT4-ECN brokers I have traded with more than 20 carefully selected brokers since 2002 and the choices continue to evolve in favour of traders as brokers become more competitive, traders more aware, and regulatory agencies more watchful Now it is the norm to expect low spreads 1 pip or less for eurusd , no or low commissions, no re-quotes, instant execution, no restrictions on pending order distance from current price, 0-1 pip stop loss, 1 ms to 10 ms or less latency from VPS to broker server, etc These are all important aspects of forex to learn and use to your advantage ForexGridMaster is user friendly, and it is also a very sophisticated software program that requires time and practice for the user to become familiar and comfortable with all its settings and possible combinations As of Aug 26, 2013, we think that no other robot can compare, and that your efforts with FGM will be well rewarded FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 1 of 28.2 ForexGridMaster v5 1 Expert Advisor Input List TOC These 104 trader input settings are linked to their descriptions further below The default values are for demonstration purposes only Back-test all FGM strategies for at least 3 years before trading real money so you KNOW the risks Copyright 2010 to All rights reserved Contact - 1 EANumber 528 2a SetFileName FGM-default 2b SetFileInfo FGM-default 3a MainGridActive true 3b MainGridFixedCenter true 4a HedgeGridActive false 4b HedgeGridFixedCenter true MainGrid General Inputs 5 MainBuy-1Sell-2BuySell-3 3 6 MainTrend-1CounterTrend -2 2 7 MainFullGrid-1HalfGrid-2 2 8 MainGridSpacing 50 9a MainMaxPendingBuyOrders 2 9b MainMaxPendingSellOrders 2 10a MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 21 10b MainMaxOpenSellTrades 21 11 MainCenterZonePips 0 12a OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice false 12b OpenSellAtCurrentPrice false 13 MainGridOrderReplacement true MainGrid Order Inputs 14a MainLotSize b MainLotSizePercent MainTakeProfitPips MainStopLossPips 0 17a MainBreakEvenStop false 17b MainProfitPipsBeforeBES 10 17c MainBreakEvenStopPlusPips 1 18a MainProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 18b MainTrailStopPips 20 19 MainTakeProfitPercent 0 20 MainStopLossPercent 0 21a MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 21b MainTrailStopPercent 0 05 MainGrid FixedCenter Inputs 22 MainGridSpacingStep 0 23a MainLotSizeIncreaseAmount 0 0 23b MainLotSizeIncreasePercent 0 0 23c MainLotSizeIncreaseFibo false 24 MainTakeProfitPipsStep 0 MainGrid MovingCenter Inputs 25a MainBuySellOverLap false 25b MainBuySellOffsetPips 0 HedgeGrid General Inputs 26 HedgeBuy-1Sell-2BuySell-3 3 27 HedgeTrend-1CounterTrend-2 1 28 HedgeFullGrid-1HalfGrid-2 2 29 HedgeGridSpacing 20 30a HedgeMaxPendingBuyOrders 1 30b HedgeMaxPendingSellOrders 1 31a HedgeMaxOpenBuyTrades 1 31b HedgeMaxOpenSellTrades 1 32 HedgeCenterZonePips HedgeGridOrderReplacement true HedgeGrid Order Inputs 34a HedgeLotSize b HedgeLotSizePercent HedgeTakeProfitPips HedgeStopLossPips 0 37a HedgeBreakEvenStop false 37b HedgeProfitPipsBeforeBES 10 37c HedgeBreakEvenStopPlusPips 1 38a HedgeProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 38b HedgeTrailStopPips 0 HedgeGrid FixedCenter Inputs 39 HedgeLotSizeIncreasePercent 0 CloseRun Inputs 40 CRAutoRestart true 41 CRRestartPipsUpOrDown 0 42 CRRestartSeconds 0 43 CRProfitPercent CRLossPercent 0 45a CRProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 45b CRTrailStopPercent 0 46 CRProfitPips 0 47 CRLossPips 0 48a CRProfitMoneyBeforeTS 0 48b CRTrailStopMoney 0 49 CRPriceMaximum CRPriceMinimum CRPriceTrailStopPips CRLossStop true 53 CRIncludeClosedTradesNet true Time and Day Inputs 54a GridStartTime ignore 54b GridStopTime ignore 55a FridayCloseTime ignore 55b FridayCloseProfitOnly true 55c FridayCloseTimePeriod 120 56a TradeSunday true 56b CloseForSundayFridayTime ignore 56c TradeMonday true 56d TradeTuesday true 56e TradeWednesday true 56f TradeThursday true 56g TradeFriday true 57 CloseDayLeadTime 0 Miscellaneous Inputs 58a GridStartPriceUp 0 58b GridStartPriceDown 0 59 ShowComments true 60 OpenTradeSlippage 0 61 CloseTradeSlippage 0 62 LogActivity true 63 LogDebugInfo false Close Now Inputs 64 CloseBuyTrades false 65 CloseSellTrades false 66 DeletePendingBuyOrders false 67 DeletePendingSellOrders false 68a CloseProfitTrades false 68b GreaterProfitThan 0 69a CloseLossTrades false 69b GreaterLossThan 0 70 CloseAllNow false Important - There are more options in the file to change how and what FGM displays on the chart, to set alerts, and more Be sure to test your strategy extensively on a demo account and Strategy Tester to fully understand what the settings and their combinations do exactly, before you trade on a real money account Please do not underestimate how important this really is Important - Some of the above 106 settings can be changed on - the-fly, meaning that the FGM properties window can be opened while the robot is trading, and some input settings changed without removing the EA first that can be changed on-the-fly are generally those that will not change the basic trading strategy FGM v5 is a major upgrade so older version strategy files will need to be adjusted once loaded MT5 - Here s an excellent letter by Daniel Fernandez writer for CurrencyMag to MetaQuotes that gives you a good idea of where MetaTrader is at presently Many experienced traders and developers are very frustrated with different FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 2 of 28.3 aspects of MT4 and MT5 including myself We agree with all of Daniel s comments and we will monitor MetaTrader s progress closely to see if and when to create an MT5 version of ForexGridMaster Starting with MT4 build 600, Metaquotes started integrating features they had in MT5 back into MT4 now at build 670 and now things appear to be improving JForex - The JForex platform programmed in JAVA has built a solid reputation and we can create a JForex version of ForexGridMaster as an alternative if needed to trade at DukasCopy and several other brokers offering it as well Important ForexGridMaster User Guidelines TOC 1 If you are new to MT4 EA Expert Advisor robot trading and need to learn how to download the MT4 trading platform and setup ForexGridMaster on a demo or real account, then please first read the We highly recommend MT4 to ECN brokers I am an Introducing Broker to IC Markets in Australia my referral link Build - ForexGridMaster is best traded on MT4 build 670 and up, the latest as of Sep 9, Full license - ForexGridMaster Full-version is licensed to your account name and can be traded on as many demo and real money accounts as you like as long as each account name matches the license name There are 4 files that need to be placed in your MT4 trading platform directories in order for ForexGridMaster to be ready and able to trade file is installed in your MT4 platform mql4 experts directory file is installed in your MT4 platform mql4 libraries directory licensing file is installed in your MT4 platform mql4 libraries directory file is installed in both your MT4 platform mql4 files and tester files directories Next, your MT4 platform needs to be closed and restarted for FGM to work With ForexGridMaster v5 1 and supporting files in your possession, you are totally independent from us Of course we are here to help whenever you need it and we encourage you to participate in our forum Accounts or brokers can be changed whenever without anything from us, as long as the name on the different accounts remain the same as the name that you provided us for licensing You are entitled at no cost to all bug fixes and upgrades within version 4 Trial license - ForexGridMaster Trial-version is exactly the same as the Full-version except that it has a license expiration date set to expire at least three months from the day we send you FGM The Trial - version is licensed to your name and can trade as many demo accounts as you like but it will not work on real money accounts 5 Account currency - FGM will work using any account based currency USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF, AUD, etc 6 Decimal places - ForexGridMaster automatically detects whether your broker uses 2, 3, 4 or 5 decimal places for price quotes So in any case, as an example, MainTakeProfitPips can be set to 17 pips regardless of whether the price quotes use 2, 3, 4 or 5 decimal places In the case of the EURUSD as one example of 5th place decimal pricing, the 4th place decimal is the pip and the 5th a fraction of a pip called a point If the EURUSD moves from to then it has moved 1 pip or 10 points If it moves from to then it has moved 1 10th of a pip or 1 point For currencies with 3 decimal places, such as the USDJPY, if it moves from to then it has moved 1 pip or 10 points, and if from to then it has moved 1 10th of a pip or 1 point 7 ECN - ForexGridMaster works on ECN connected MT4 non-dealer broker platforms such as hosted by IC Markets in Australia An ECN connection normally offers the best spreads and execution When considering brokers to choose please check with us for up to date recommendations 8 Setting changes - When you start a new strategy or make changes to an existing strategy except settings that can be changed on-the-fly , it is best to first remove ForexGridMaster, and then delete all chart objects right click on chart, choose Objects List, select all objects by selecting one object line and then use ctrl a to select all and then use Delete on the right Also after deleting objects, any open trades or pending orders left on the chart, will no longer be controlled by FGM and they will have to be managed separately manually, and or by using ForexTradeManager to close many or all orders quickly In any case, please always test thoroughly on a demo account or Strategy Tester until you are confident that you know what does what FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 3 of 28.4 9 Time-frames - ForexGridMaster strategies are not time-frame dependent, meaning that you can trade any FGM strategy you like on any time frame and the only difference will be how well you can view the trading action My routine is to always keep ForexGridMaster trading on the M1 time-frame only and I open an extra chart or two of the same currency pair on the same account to view other time-frames The pending orders and open trades will also be displayed on the extra chart The time-frame can be changed on-the-fly on the same chart that ForexGridMaster trades, but doing so will effect the display size of the CloseRun bars due to MT4 object display limitations Important - When back-testing strategies in Strategy Tester you must always choose the M1 time-frame 10 Closing orders - Whenever open and or pending orders are triggered to close at the same time, by any of the CloseRun settings and also by ForexTradeManager, it takes time for the open trades and pending orders to close Price is moving so results will not be perfectly accurate The final results will be more or less than what the target was In normal market conditions, the difference is relatively small if any If you are using scalping strategies it is best to make sure your latency from your FGM robot to the broker server is low, 0 to 50 ms being best 11 Many orders - The more open trades and pending orders that are on your charts, the more chances there will be of execution delays , especially if the latency of trade execution is more than 50 ms Also not all brokers are the same The amount of technology involved, your broker and their server, their MT4 environment, the computer your ForexGridMaster trades from, the bank feeds to the broker, the Internet, etc is mind boggling and also relatively in its infancy MT4 executes only one line of code at a time per chart, so glitches can happen and in the beginning, it is important to keep a watchful eye on your MT4 platform as it trades your strategies, at least until you know that all will work reliably We very strongly recommend that you trade your strategies and also strategies from others on a demo account first and also test them on Strategy Tester on at least one year of M1 data, or tick data, for as long as it takes for you to become very familiar and confident with how all the ForexGridMaster input settings work for those strategies When you start trading real money, start small MT4 brokers are not equal and different MT4 broker platforms may produce different results for different reasons However ForexGridMaster programming is the best industrial strength quality and is capable of trading working strategies very reliably for an indefinite period of time 12 FGM EA smiley face - When ForexGridMaster is trading and all is well, you will see a small smiley face icon positioned at the top right of the currency pair chart window You can click on that smiley face to open FGM s properties window Sometimes however, the info printed on the chart just below the smiley face is selected by mistake and FGM will not be opened to its properties window, especially if you have chosen a larger font size for the chart comments and stats print out Otherwise, just right click in any clear area on the chart display and choose Expert Advisors and then Properties In an emergency situation when FGM cannot be accessed to change its property settings or cannot be removed for whatever reason, click the Expert Advisors button on the tool bar above to disable it, or simply close the chart window to remove FGM If necessary, any open trades and pending orders will then need to be closed manually or by using ForexTradeManager The smiley face turns red when FGM is active and the properties window is not accessible while it is red 13 strategy files - When creating strategies for ForexGridMaster using the input settings described below, they can be saved as preset files in your MT4 platform experts preset directory default , so that whenever you wish to trade that strategy, you can open ForexGridMaster on a chart and then Load the preset file from the Inputs tab FGM preset files can also be saved and shared with others We name preset files so that we can recognize what the strategy is For example, if named audnzd it sa BuySell CounterTrend strategy for the audnzd with MainGridSpacing 7 pips, MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 70 and MainMaxOpenSellTrades 70, MainLotSizePercent 0 0001, MainTakeProfitPips 21, CloseRunProfitPercent 1 , and CloseRunLossPercent 50 14 Leverage - Some brokers will allow as much as 500 1 leverage on their accounts This means that FGM can trade a full standard lot of 100,000 using only 200 on margin, which is excellent for FGM, especially if you are looking for high profit Most grid trading strategies need lots of flexibility, to be able to endure at least a 30 maximum floating equity drawdown Be sure you know what you are doing however as high leverage can also be dangerous The leverage on the account that FGM is trading can be seen in the Experts tab entries, usually a line or two after FGM has been initialized 15 Sharing strategies - files can be shared with other traders directly, or on our forum Our goal is to have many traders creating, back-testing and optimizing reliable winning strategies for all Please visit and participate in our forum as together I think we can develop good profitable and reliable FGM strategies FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 4 of 28.5 16 Back-testing - FGM should always use M1 data or Tick data for back-testing as no other time - frame will work properly See the back-testing manual included with your FGM purchase for more information In History Center Top menu Tools History Center use the Download button very bottom left to download M1 data from MetaQuotes MT4 program developer Proper back-testing saves tons of time and grief and can be exciting, much like playing a good video game If you are not back-testing it is like running towards the edge of a mile high cliff with a blindfold on ForexGridMaster v5 1 Expert Advisor Input Setting Descriptions TOC ForexGridMaster trades two types of grids, a MainGrid and or a HedgeGrid, either in combination with each other or independently If combined, HedgeGrid settings always operate totally apart from the MainGrid settings except that CloseRuns are triggered by the net profit and loss calculations of both MainGrid and HedgeGrid trades combined 1 EANumber 528 - EAN This input enables each instance of ForexGridMaster to keep track of its own trades and calculations separate from other instances of FGM, other EAs, and also other trades placed manually, on the same currency pair or different currency pairs in the same trading account Each FGM must run by itself on its own chart and its EANumber must be uniquely different from each EANumber used by other EAs on other charts ForexGridMaster s input settings affect only trade orders associated with the EANumber of that FGM instance This is different from ForexTradeManager whose settings can affect all trade orders placed manually and or by other EAs It doesn t matter what EANumber you choose except that the number is limited to 9 digits When you stop trading your strategy, it is best to remove ForexGridMaster from the chart, and when you start again with a new strategy, be sure to change either the EANumber or delete the object so that the Current Run Stats on the chart are reset properly for a new beginning, and also the robot will not be influenced by any historical trading activity that occurred previously This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 2a SetFileName gbpusdbsct-5s-1tot-21lsp 001ip-11crpp SFN What you type in here for this setting will be displayed on the chart top right You can type anything here, but most useful for me is a name that indicates the main settings values of the strategy The name gbpusdbsct-5s-1tot-21lsp 001ip-11crpp-0 34 tells me it trades the GBPUSD, it sa MainGrid BuySell CounterTrend FixedCenter strategy with these values set MainGridSpacing 5 pips , MainGridSpacingStep 1 pip, MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 21 trades and MainMaxOpenSellTrades 21 trades, MainLotSizePercent 0 001, MainLotSizeIncreasePercent 11 and CRProfitPercent 0 34 CloseRun setting This settings can be changed on-the-fly 2b SetFileInfo FGM-Default - SFI You can also type anything here This setting can be changed on-the-fly 3a MainGridActive true - MGA If set to true then all MainGrid settings are activated If false then all MainGrid settings are disabled This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 3b MainGridFixedCenter true - MGFC When trading a MainGrid FixedCenter strategy, the FixedCenter will be the current market bid price when FGM initiates Run 1 However if you have enabled either OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice or OpenSellAtCurrentPrice not both at the same time , then the FixedCenter will be half of the MainGridSpacing pips value away from and exactly between the first buy and sell slots of the MainGrid When you have configured your strategy settings and are ready to trade FGM, click the OK button and your FGM strategy will start Run 1 on the next tick The FixedCenter will remain the same MainGrid FixedCenter price for the duration of the Run and the rest of the grid will develop based on that FixedCenter price There are 5 settings in the MainGrid FixedCenter Inputs section that can be used when trading a MainGrid FixedCenter strategy When MainGridFixedCenter false - MGMC It means a MovingCenter The initial MainGrid MovingCenter price will be the current market bid price The rest of the grid will develop based on that MainGrid initial MovingCenter price, even though that non-fixedcenter will be moving Because some brokers do not allow pending orders to be placed within 5-20 pips more or less of market price, depending on your MainGridSpacing, the initial grid position slots next to MainGrid center may not be filled with pending orders until current price has moved away far enough to allow it In the meantime, grid slots further out from MainGrid center are filled when and where possible according to the already established initial MainGrid center price and your other input settings choices A MovingCenter will change to always be the current moving market bid price when you trade either a Buy or a Sell grid, or a BuySell grid combined with BuySellOverlap true and or BuySellOffset However, if you trade a BuySell grid and BuySellOverlap false, then the MovingCenter will center itself and remain between the buy and sell orders and will move as needed to always be between the buy and sell orders Buy and sell pending orders will be placed as FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 5 of 28.6 close as possible to grid center according to your MainGridSpacing and or MainCenterZonePips settings See examples immediately below This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly MainGrid FixedCenter and MovingCenter scenarios TOC Trading a MainGrid FixedCenter strategy, the Buy and Sell pending orders are kept separated from each other, buys on one side of the FixedCenter price and sells on the other, no overlap allowed As an example, when FGM trades a MainGrid BuySell Trend strategy, only pending Buy stop orders can be placed above the FixedCenter price and only pending Sell stop orders can be placed below If FGM trades a MainGrid Buy Trend HalfGrid as another example, then only pending Buy stop orders can be placed above the FixedCenter price which will be half the MainGridSpacing value below the 1 st open buy order, whether pending or open If trading a MainGrid Buy CounterTrend HalfGrid strategy, then only pending Buy limit orders can be placed below the FixedCenter price Trading a MainGrid MovingCenter strategy with GridStartPriceUp 0 0 and GridStartPriceDown 0 0 both disabled , Run 1 will start at the current market bid price, but having a MovingCenter it will always move as market bid price changes for the duration of Run 1 For Run 2, the starting MovingCenter will again be the immediate market bid price after the close of Run 1 Follow-up Runs when CRAutoRestart true will continue the same way Trading a MainGrid MovingCenter strategy on the eurusd as an example, with GridStartPriceUp and or GridStartPriceDown 1 3195, Run 1 will start in the future when the current market bid price goes up by 30 pips to or down to For Run 2, if CRAutoRestart true, the starting MovingCenter will be the immediate market bid price after the close of Run 1 which will be at a different center price than where Run 1 started Follow-up Runs will continue the same way When GridStartPriceUp and or GridStartPriceDown any value more than 0 , then it only applies to Run 1 and not any follow-up Runs Both are immediately disabled after one is triggered and the MainGrid opens and they can only be re-enabled again by manual intervention at the beginning to trigger Run 1 These settings can be changed on-the-fly if neither of them has not yet been triggered 4a HedgeGridActive false - HGA If set to the default false then all HedgeGrid General Inputs and HedgeGrid Order inputs settings below are ignored If Hedge true then all HedgeGrid settings below are enabled according to how each of them are set This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 4b HedgeGridFixedCenter true - HGFC If set to the default true then this setting will work much the same as does MainGridFixedCenter true and whatever HedgeGrid pending orders are placed, the HedgeGrid created will remain fixed for the duration of the Run When a CloseRun occurs automatically and CRAutoRestart true, then a new MainGrid and or HedgeGrid Run will start up at the immediate current market bid price after all previous Run orders are closed One important difference between a HedgeGrid with a FixedCenter and a MainGrid with a FixedCenter is that the MainGrid number of grid positions slots for pending orders, including either an OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice or OpenSellAtCurrentPrice immediate market order, are fixed by the MainGrid settings MainMaxOpenBuyTrades and MainMaxOpenSellTrades, whereas the HedgeGrid orders are fixed and restricted toward the HedgeGrid center by the outer edge of the HedgeCenterZone but not restricted going away from HedgeGrid center where they can be placed further and further out according to their HedgeGridSpacing as price continues outwards until either a CloseRun or a Margin restriction is reached, or FGM s internal restriction of max open grid positions of 500, meaning 250 positions on the Buy side and 250 on the Sell side If HedgeGridFixedCenter false HGMC it means a MovingCenter HedgeCenterZone can move similar to how MainCenterZone moves when trading a MovingCenter grid HedgeCenterZone will move as the HedgeGrid buys and sells move, and no HedgeGrid orders open or pending can occupy a position within the HedgeCenterZone no matter where it is The HedgeCenterZone will move in the direction of price and closing HedgeGrid orders if they are closing within the current Run, and will remain between the HedgeGrid buy and sell orders For example, if HedgeCenterZonePips 100, and HedgeGridSpacing 20, and initial MovingCenter is at it looks like this hedge buy 2 stop at HedgeGridSpacing hedge buy 1 stop at HedgeCenterZonePips will move up or down as HedgeGrid buys and sells move hedge sell 1 stop at HedgeGridSpacing 20 FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 6 of 28.7 hedge sell 2 stop at and then price moves down to then the HedgeGrid will look like this hedge buy 2 stop at moved down from when hedge buy 1 stop moved down HedgeGridSpacing hedge buy 1 stop at moved down from when hedge sell 1 closed HedgeCenterZonePips moved down 20 pips hedge sell 2 opened --- at 2nd hedge sell opened as price moved down hedge sell 1 closed ---- at HedgeTakeProfitPips 30 reached hedge sell 3 stop at placed when hedge sell 1 closed and then price moves all the way back up from to then the HedgeGrid will look like this hedge buy 3 stop at hedge buy 1 closed ---- at HedgeTakeProfitPips 30 reached hedge buy 2 opened --- at when price moved up to here HedgeCenterZonePips moved back up 20 pips hedge sell 3 stop at placed when hedge buy 1 closed HedgeGridSpacing hedge sell 2 open at 2nd hedge sell opened did not reach take profit and then price keeps moving up from to say then the HedgeGrid will now look like this hedge buy 4 stop at hedge buy 2 closed ---- at HedgeTakeProfitPips 30 reached hedge buy 3 open at opened when price moved up from HedgeCenterZonePips moved back up 20 pips hedge sell 3 stop at moved up 20 pips MainGrid General Inputs These settings apply only to the MainGrid that your strategy trades 5 MainBuy-1Sell-2BuySell-3 3 - MB or MS or MBS This input determines whether the trade orders placed by ForexGridMaster are either all buy orders Buy-1 , all sell orders Sell-2 , or both buy and sell orders BuySell-3 As an example, if you choose the default BuySell-3, and you decide to trade a Trend grid of orders to capture profit in the direction of the price trend, then buy stop orders will be placed above grid center and sell stop orders below If BuySell-3 is chosen and you want to trade a CounterTrend grid of orders, then buy limit orders will be placed below grid center and sell limit orders above When trading a BuySell grid, HalfGrid must be chosen too because you are trading a half grid of buy orders with a half grid of sell orders All grid orders are placed at currency pair bid prices This setting cannot be changed on - the-fly 6 MainTrend-1CounterTrend-2 2 - MT or MCT This input determines whether the MainGrid of orders traded will be a Trend or a CounterTrend strategy A Trend strategy places buy stops above grid center Buy Trend , or sell stops below grid center Sell Trend or both BuySell Trend A CounterTrend strategy places buy limits below grid center Buy CounterTrend , or sell limits above grid center Sell CounterTrend or both BuySell CounterTrend This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 7, MainFullGrid-1HalfGrid-2 2 - MFG or MHG This input determines whether the MainGrid orders will be placed equally divided on both sides of grid center when set to FullGrid for Buy or Sell grids, or one side only when set to HalfGrid for Buy or Sell grids BuySell grids must be set to HalfGrid because you are trading a HalfGrid of buy orders with a HalfGrid of sell orders This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly Here are some basic examples FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 7 of 28.8 1 You wish to trade a Buy Trend grid to profit on price that is trending upwards You can choose FullGrid which will place pending buy stop orders above either a Moving or FixedCenter price, and pending buy limit orders below, or you can choose HalfGrid which will place pending buy stop orders above a Moving or FixedCenter price, but no buy limits below Using HalfGrids when trend trading in one direction only will lessen the number of accumulating open negative trades due to long price runs or spikes in the opposite direction of the trend you are trading Depending on your MainGridSpacing and how strong the trending market is, you may experience 30 or more less losing trades being opened by retracements opening your buy stops that are following the price downwards from above 2 You wish to trade a Buy CounterTrend Half grid when you expect price to drop and turn back up This will place a HalfGrid of pending buy limit orders below either a Moving or FixedCenter, but no buy stops above 3 You wish to trade a BuySell CounterTrend grid on price that is ranging When you trade a BuySell strategy you must choose HalfGrid which will place pending sell limit orders above either a Moving or FixedCenter price, and pending buy limit orders below either a Moving or FixedCenter price 8 MainGridSpacing 5 - MGS This input determines the distance in pips from each pending trade order to the next pending trade order of the same type buys or sells in your trading grid There may be broker restrictions as to where the placement of the first pending orders are placed If the MainCenterZonePips setting is used then the first pending orders start at the exact edge of the CenterZone and MainGridSpacing applies from there MainGridSpacing will not work when both OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice true and OpenSellAtCurrentPrice true This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 9a MainMaxPendingBuyOrders 2 - MMPBO This input determines both the number of pending buy limit or buy stop orders that your strategy will place at grid start and the maximum number of pending buy orders permitted at any one time When trading a FullGrid, this input must be set to an even number such as 2, 28, or 50, not 1, 27, or 49 If either or both MainMaxOpenBuyTrades and MainMaxOpenSellTrades below are set to a number other than the default 0, then MainMaxOpenBuyTrades and MainMaxOpenSellTrades will determine the limit of open trades allowed, and the number of pending orders will be controlled accordingly If the number of open buy or sell trades reaches their limit, but then decreases one or more open trades close , then ForexGridMaster will resume opening pending orders to match FGM also limits the total number of open pending orders to a maximum of 50 This setting can be changed on-the-fly to a higher value but not lower 9b MainMaxPendingSellOrders 2 - MMPSO This operates exactly like above but applies to pending sell orders 10a MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 21 - MMOBT When set to the default 0, this input is ignored When set to a number value, this input limits the number of open buy trades at any one time to that number Manual trades or other EAs with a unique EANumber can be traded on the same currency pair and or other pairs on other charts on the same account, without them being affected by this setting Most brokers limit the total number of orders placed in an account and some don t This setting can be changed on-the-fly except when MainGridFixedCenter true When MainGridActive true and MainGridFixedCenter true, if MainMaxOpenBuyTrades 20 for example then the total number of MainGrid buy positions slots that can be occupied by buy orders on the MainGrid buy side is fixed at 20 Any trade orders occupying any of those 20 positions can be opened, closed and replaced within a Run according to values set for other FGM inputs MaxOpenOrders Buy Sell limit is b MainMaxOpenSellTrades 21 - MMOST This operates exactly as the one above but applies to sell orders 11 MainCenterZonePips 0 - MCZP When set to the default 0, this input is ignored When set to a number of whole pips greater than 0, then a MovingCenter or FixedCenter MainCenterZone, the pips depth of the value set, is created at and centered by MainGrid center This CenterZone separates the placement of buy and sell orders, by the set value For example, if MainCenterZonePips 30, then no MainGrid orders pending or open can occupy a position inside that 30 pip CenterZone If a MovingCenter strategy is traded MainGridFixedCenter false , then the CenterZone can move as the position of the buys and sells move, however no MainGrid orders open or pending can occupy a position within the CenterZone no matter where it is HedgeGrid orders are the exception, meaning that HedgeGrid orders can be placed inside of the MainCenterZone which is possible but not normal , the same as MainGrid orders can be placed inside of the HedgeCenterZone which is common to do When trading a HalfGrid, say a Buy Trend strategy, then the MainCenterZone space is half what MainCenterZonePips is set to This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly When trading a MovingCenter strategy, the MainCenterZone moves in the direction of price and closing orders if orders are closing within the current Run, and will remain between the buy and sell orders and will move as needed FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 8 of 28.9 to always be between the buy and sell orders However, when trading a FixedCenter strategy, then the CenterZone will remain fixed in place for the duration of the Run, keeping buys and sells separated When trading a BuySell strategy and BuySellOverlap true, then MainCenterZonePips 0 must be set to disable the input MainCenterZonePips cannot be changed on-the-fly Here are examples of how the CenterZone works with a FixedCenter or MovingCenter a FixedCenter --- MainGridFixedCenter true, MainGridSpacing 15, MainCenterZonePips 100, MainTakeProfitPips 35, MainMaxPendingBuyOrders 2 Looks like this buy 2 stop at buy 1 stop at CenterZonePips Remains fixed in place until the Run closes sell 1 stop at sell 2 stop at In the above example the CenterZone is fixed between and within the current Run So if price moves down as an example, and sell 1 is opened at and then closed at by reaching its MainTakeProfitPips 35, the CenterZonePips 100 will simply remain from to until the Run closes b MovingCenter --- MainGridFixedCenter false CenterZonePips 100, MainTakeProfitPips 35, TotalPendingBuyOrders 2 Looks like this buy 2 stop at buy 1 stop at CenterZonePips Initial CenterZone placement which will move up or down as buys and sells move sell 1 stop at sell 2 stop at When price moves down to then the MainGrid will then look like this buy 2 stop at moved down from when buy 1 stop moved down buy 1 stop at moved down from when sell 1 closed CenterZonePips moved down 15 pips sell 2 open at opened when price moved down sell 3 open at opened when price moved down --- sell 1 closed at opened at and MainTakeProfitPips 35 reached sell 4 stop at placed when sell 2 opened sell 5 stop at placed when sell 3 opened If price then moves all the way up from to say then the MainGrid will now look like this buy 4 stop at placed when buy 2 opened buy 3 stop at placed when buy 1 opened buy 2 open at opened when price moved up here FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 9 of 28.10 buy 1 open at opened when price moved up here CenterZonePips remains in same place sell 2 open at 2nd sell opened that did not reach take profit sell 3 open at was already open sell 4 stop at placed when sell 2 opened sell 5 stop at placed when sell 3 opened If price then moves up more from to say then the MainGrid will now look like this buy 5 stop at placed when buy 3 opened buy 4 open at opened when price moved up here --- buy 1 closed at opened at and MainTakeProfitPips 35 reached buy 3 open at opened when price moved up here buy 2 open at was already open CenterZonePips moved back up 15 pips sell 4 stop at moved up when buy 1 closed and CenterZone moved up sell 2 open at sell opened that did not reach take profit sell 3 open at was already open sell 5 stop at moved up when CenterZone moved up 12a OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice false OBACP - When set to the default false, this setting is disabled When set to true, a buy order is opened immediately at current price when FGM is initiated and all other pending grid orders placed during the Run are adjusted to that price position for the grid chosen In other words, the immediate opened buy order is part of whatever grid values are chosen, and determines where the MainGridSpacing starts from When MainCenterZonePips is set to a value, both OBACP and OSACP cannot be set to true, only one of the two settings can be set to true As an example if OBACP true and a buy is opened at say and MainCenterZonePips 20 and we have a BuySell Trend grid trading, then the CenterZone is placed from to and the grid operates from there as it does normally, the first pending sell order position being set at to continue with the example If HedgeCenterZonePips is set to a value, say 400, then the center for the HedgeCenterZone will be set at OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice can be changed on-the-fly but it s important to understand how that works In fact it is a unique additional feature for scalping and also hedging or simply weighting trades at a reversal point after a long grid stretch It enables the ability to add more open buys and or sells at anytime without disturbing the current grid, and those buys and sells having the same EANumber are included in the grid for calculations and CloseRuns For example, when OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice true, every time FGM is removed from the chart and then restarted on the chart again and the OK button clicked, it opens a new buy at current price, which is in addition to picking up the grid from where FGM left off Also OpenBuyAtCurrentPrice true can be changed to false on the fly so it doesn t open a buy when you remove it from and then restart it on the chart again Then once on the chart again it can be changed on the fly again to true so that on the next Run and follow-up Runs from there, it will open a buy, but without opening a buy right then on the current Run when OK is clicked Experiment and see for yourself how it works 12b OpenSellAtCurrentPrice false - OSACP This operates exactly as the one above but applies to sell orders 13 MainGridOrderReplacement true - MGOR If true then when an order has closed it will be replaced when possible to do so within the same grid run If false then each order within a grid run will only run once GridOrderReplacement operates the same as HedgeOrderReplacement, but only for the main grid as does the other only for the HedgeGrid This setting can be changed on-the-fly FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 10 of 28.11 MainGrid Order Inputs These settings apply to individual trade orders within MainGrid, which may also be modified by FixedCenter settings 14a MainLotSize MLS This input sets the minimum value for lot-size per trade order Most brokers allow a minimum lot - size of 0 01 which is 1 100th of the standard 100,000 lot-size, or 1,000 using USD as example and so 0 01 is the default LotSize value Some brokers set their minimum lot-size 10 times higher, to 0 10 10,000 in which case FGM will display an error message saying that you will need to change this input to LotSize 0 10 before FGM can continue If HedgeGridActive true and HedgeLotSize 0 01, then same as when MainLotSize 0 01, it also would need a reset to Either a fixed MainLotSize can be set for all trade orders at the beginning of the GridRun, or MainLotSizePercent along with minimum MainLotSize The lot-size determined by either of those two choices can also be automatically increased during the GridRun by using any of the MainGridFixedCenter lot-size increase options MainLotSize can be changed on-the-fly, however it will affect new pending orders only, not pending orders already in place 14b MainLotSizePercent MLSP When a value is set here, then the lot-size traded is determined by the account s free margin multiplied by the value set in this input divided by 100 The lot-size traded will increase or decrease according to this calculation when every new pending order is placed when MainGridFixedCenter false, or at the start of and for the duration of each new Run when MainGridFixedCenter true However, it will not be applied if the calculated value is less than the MainLotSize value set above, in which case the lot-size set will be the minimum size for each new pending order placed until MainLotSizePercent calculates a larger lot-size than what MainLotSize is set to The exception to this is when you set MainGridFixedCenter true and all trade lot-sizes within the MainGrid are pre-determined regardless of how many pending orders you place at the beginning and allow at any given time within the GridRun MainLotSizePercent can enable profits to compound when profits outweigh losses, and draw-down to lessen when losses outweigh profits As an example, if MainLotSizePercent 0 001 on a standard account with a free margin value of 100,000 where 1 lot 100,000 , then the lot size will be 1 which is 100,000 x 100 1, or if set to then lot-size 1 5 or 150,000 per trade, or if set to then lot-size 1 52 or 152,000 per trade If the account has 1,000,000 to start and you set MainLotSizePercent 0 001, the lot size would then be 10 which is 1,000,000 per trade 10 x 100,000 , etc If LotSize 5 in this example with MainLotSizePercent 0 001 then that will be the minimum lot size traded regardless of the MainLotSizePercent setting if equity drops down This setting can be changed on - the-fly for MainGridFixedCenter false MovingCenter grids, however it will affect new pending orders only, and not pending orders already in place 15 MainTakeProfitPips 0 - MTPP This input determines how many pips profit each of the pending trade orders will target for capture If for example, you are trading the EURUSD, and you have a pending buy order set to open at and it opens, and MainTakeProfitPips 35 then if price reaches the trade will be triggered closed capturing 35 pips of profit if no slippage When set to 0, this input is ignored This setting can be changed on-the-fly, however it will affect new pending orders only and not pending orders already in place in MovingCenter MainGrids 16 MainStopLossPips 0 - MSLP This determines the stop-loss for each individual pending order If set to 0 then this input is ignored If for example, you are trading the EURUSD, and you have a pending buy order set to open at and it opens, and MainStopLossPips 50, then if price drops to the trade will triggered to close at a loss of 50 pips This setting can be changed on-the-fly when MainGridFixedCenter false MovingCenter and will affect new pending orders only, not pending orders already in place 17a MainBreakEvenStop false - MBES When set to true, a break even stop-loss will be set on each individual MainGrid pending order according to the values set by the next two settings When set to false, then the MainBreakEvenStop settings are disabled These settings can work with or without the following MainProfitPipsBeforeTS settings These settings can not be changed on-the-fly 17b MainProfitPipsBeforeBES 10 - MPPBBES When MainBreakEvenStop true then this setting is enabled If set to 10 as an example, when a pending order is triggered open and then moves 10 pips into profit, then a break even stop is placed on the order so that if price retraces by 10 pips, the open trade is closed at break even plus whatever pips value is set by the next setting This value can only be set to whole pips, not fractional pips 17c MainBreakEvenStopPlusPips 1 - MBESPP The value in pips set here adds to the break even stop If set to the default of 1 pip as an example, then it means that if MainProfitPipsBeforeBES 10 and an open order reaches 10 FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 11 of 28.12 pips of profit and the MainBreakEvenStop is triggered and price retraces 9 pips 10-1 , then the order stops out 1 pip in profit This setting is useful to offset commission and or swap fees and or slippage 18a MainProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 - MPPBTS If set to the default 0 pips, then this setting is ignored If set to a value such as 36 as an example, each of the individual trade orders that are opened will need to move 36 pips into profit before the MainTrailStopPips input setting below is activated If MainProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 then whatever you set MainTrailStopPips to will be the immediate starting trailing stop loss It differs from MainStopLossPips which fixes the StopLoss on the broker server This setting cannot be changed on-the-fly 18b MainTrailStopPips 0 - MTSP This input determines how many pips the trail-stop will be As an example, if MainProfitPipsBeforeTS 0 and MainTrailStopPips 50, then a stop-loss is immediately set at 50 pips away from where the pending order is opened That stop loss will then trail pip by pip from there if price moves in a profitable direction If price moves in a losing direction then the trailing stop loss will remain fixed where it For another example, if MainProfitPipsBeforeTS is set to 36 and MainTrailStopPips is set to 9, then when each individual order is 36 pips into profit, the trail stop of 9 is triggered and 27 pips of profit will be locked in and if price keeps moving in a profitable direction, the trail stop will follow pip by pip Let s say that an individual order moves 50 pips into profit and then retraces 9 pips The trade will then close out with 41 pips of profit Stealth Mode Percent - These percent settings below can be used in conjunction with the pips settings above as backup stop-losses set further away than the percent stealth mode settings All CloseRun settings further below also operate in Stealth mode, meaning they are not known by the broker 19 MainTakeProfitPercent 0 - MTPPc If set to the default 0, then this setting is ignored When set to a percent value, this input determines what percentage of profit based on equity at the time of the pending order placement MovingCenter or at the start of and for the duration of the Run , will close the order As an example, if MainTakeProfitPercent 1 50, this means that 1 50 of the equity becomes the order profit target Each time a new pending order with the setting MainTakeProfitPercent set to a percentage value is placed, the target profit amount is calculated using the percent value based on the equity at that time of placement Please note the difference here MainTakeProfitPips is a target that is placed on the broker server whereas MainTakeProfitPercent is a target that is controlled by FGM in stealth mode that the broker doesn t know about 20 MainStopLossPercent 0 - MSLPc If set to the default 0 percent, then this setting is ignored When set to a percent value, this input determines what percentage of loss based on equity at the time of the pending order placement, will close the order As an example, MainStopLossPercent 1 00, this means that 1 of the equity becomes the money amount stop-loss for the order This Stealth mode setting can be changed on-the-fly 21a MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 - MPPcBTS If set to the default 0 percent, then this setting is ignored If set to a value such as 0 35 as an example, then each of the individual trade orders that are open will need to be 0 35 into profit before the MainTrailStopPercent input setting below is activated If MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 then whatever you set MainTrailStopPercent to will be the immediate trailing stop-loss It differs from MainStopLossPips which fixes the stop-loss This percent setting also operates in Stealth mode and cannot be changed on-the-fly 21b MainTrailStopPercent 0 - MTSPc Works also with MainProfitPipsBeforeTS but not if MainTrailStopPips is set to a value This input determines what percentage of equity the trail-stop will be As an example, if MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 35 and MainTrailStopPercent 0 05, then a stop-loss money value equal to 0 05 of equity at the time the MainProfitPercentBeforeTS value was determined That money stop-loss determined by 0 05 percent of equity will then trail from there if price moves in a profitable direction If price moves in a losing direction then the trailing percent stop-loss will remain fixed where it is Now if MainProfitPercentBeforeTS 0 55 and MainTrailStopPercent 0 05, then when each individual order has attained an amount of profit equal to 0 55 of equity at the time of the pending order placement, the trail-stop is triggered and profit is locked in and if price keeps moving in a profitable direction, the trail-stop will follow by a value equal to 0,05 of the equity at the time of placement of the pending order This Stealth mode setting cannot be changed on-the-fly MainGrid FixedCenter Inputs MainGrid FixedCenter settings when chosen can modify MainGrid orders when MainGridFixedCenter true When MainGridFixedCenter false MovingCenter , the next 5 settings in this section are ignored When MainGridFixedCenter true, then whatever grid of pending orders is initially placed, according to the next 4 settings FGM v5 1 September 9, 2014 Page 12 of 28 .

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